A British secret agent resigns in anger and plans a holiday
away from the pressures of his job but his get-away break
isn't what he'd intended. Rather than booking into a top flight
hotel as a free man he ends up in The Village, a mysterious
colony of nameless ex-espionage agents from around the globe.
Worryingly, the management of the establishment seems intent
only on one thing - finding out why our British spy resigned.
But who runs The Village and what are their objectives? And
why does everyone have a number rather than a name?...
Prisoner is a landmark TV series that dealt with alienation,
deceit, slight of hand and subterfuge - traits Carlton seem
to have picked up when planning this DVD box set.
no mistake, this is exactly the same discs as previously available,
just packaged in a new way. Rather than go back and re-encode
the episodes to the same high standard as the Australian release,
Carlton has simply bundled up the previous pressings with
the mainly uninteresting 35th Anniversary Prisoner Companion
- also previously available.
stuff you already have but in a different box. You have to
hand it to Carlton. The company re-releases the Thunderbirds
box set with one less disc and adds one (albeit one you already
have) to The Prisoner compilation. How about a little
new thinking?
buy this collection of discs - it's a rip off. If you're a
fan of the series track down the Region 4 release instead.
It may cost a little more but it's worth the money for the
improved visual quality. Or if money's short, go to eBay and
buy a second-hand version of the previous Carlton set. But
whatever you do steer clear of this blatant con.

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All prices correct at time of going to press.