A fascinating look back at the career of one of the nation's
most prolific TV and radio presenters. Terry Wogan currently
presents Wake
Up To Wogan on
Radio 2 weekdays, and continues to present The
Eurovision Song Contest
and Children
in Need
on BBC One...
Wogan: One on One will appeal to all Terry Wogan fans
out there. And, to be honest if you didn't grow up watching
his exploits as the host of Blankety Blank, you'll
probably wonder what all the fuss is about - why is this DVD
being released? Watching this DVD made me realise that Wogan
was, and still is, an extremely talented presenter who has
been missing from our screens for far too long.
DVD features a new interview with Wogan as he is talks openly
about his career to date. It starts with his humble TV beginnings
as a reporter and moves on to his time on Blankety Blank
- which really was as funny as I remembered. He then moves
on to his role presenting The Eurovision Song Contest,
which Wogan admits is "rubbish" and that the British
public are well aware of this fact and that there's no point
in pretending any different.
majority of this release centres on the Wogan chat
show which ran between 1982-1992. Instead of being a sycophantic
look at Wogan's greatest interviews, it concentrates on the
shows where his guests gave him a hard time, or where he got
down and dirty with them. He really didn't hit it off with
Victoria Principal, Raquel Welch or Ronald and Nancy Regan's
daughter Patti Davies (who Wogan states really got up his
nose). But he manages to keep his calm when his guests are
a pain. He states that he restrained himself from giving a
lot of them a "good slap", when he felt (and you
have to agree with him on this point) that he would have had
good grounds to do so on occasion.
comes back with some fantastic attacks on his guests. Raquel
Welch starts to explain something and calls him "Terry"
and the audience laughs. You can see Ms Welch looks uncomfortable,
thinking perhaps she has got his name wrong and asks: "It
is Terry, isn't it?". Later in the interview Wogan calls
her "Raquel" and then proceeds to ask "It is
Raquel, isn't it?" Only he could get away with such cheek,
and still come out looking like a saint.
his interview with Victoria Principal they are discussing
her new book and she says: "You haven't read this book
have you?" To which he admits: "No". Principal
ask: "Then how can you sit here and have this conversation?"
And without flinching Wogan quips: "With the greatest
of difficulty."
cringes looking back at his interviews with John Malkovitch,
Glenn Close, Ann Bancroft and Christopher Lloyd (an interview
I remember at the time, as I couldn't believe the actor who
played the eccentric Doc Brown in the Back to the Future
movies was so timid in real life). Although he does remember
Lloyd meant well, and smiled a lot, but was just so nervous
that he couldn't get his words out.
it his interview with David Icke where in retrospect Wogan
claims he is now embarrassed by his attack on Icke's believes.
Wogan states that he's not proud of that interview as he believes
he shouldn't have humiliated Icke in the way he did.
DVD is a great insight into the man but it is sadly a little
too short. Thankfully there are a ton of extras which can
be accessed separately or while watching the main feature
whenever a letter "W" appears on the screen - in
a similar fashion to the 'follow the white rabbit' feature
on The Matrix DVD.
extras include some of the best moments of Blankety Blank
(although some poor editing means that the odd joke escapes
you because they cut in too early; The Eurovision Song
Contest; although this spends more time showcasing past
entries than hearing Wogan's dry wit; Wogan sings The Floral
Dance; and almost 30 minutes of The Wogan Years,
which looks at some of the man's better interviews.
have some slight moans about this DVD though. Firstly, on
a technical point, there are about ten minutes of poor footage
which really shouldn't be present - obviously something to
do with the way the DVD has been encoded. And secondly, I
would have loved to have seen some of the highlights of Wogan's
work on Children in Need as well as a few lengthier
interviews that went poorly from Wogan, instead of
the very short clips that are presented.
have to admit, after watching this, that Wogan is an extremely
talented and versatile entertainer. If
only the BBC would do with Wogan what they did with Parkinson...
put him back on the telly!

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