Angel take over LA's powerful supernatural law firm Wolfram
and Hart and attempts to wage a war against the dark side.
Working for the company he once fought against, the line between
good and evil is harder to see than ever before...
sad to see Angel come to an end. However Season 5 offers
one hell of a high note to go out on. This season sees everyone's
lives turned upside down, mainly due to their new work environment.
Are the gang corrupted by the 'darkside' of Wolfram and Hart?
Given everything their hearts desire (Wesley gets the best
library in the world; Fred gets a lab with endless research
to undertake; and Gunn gets the power to 'better himself'
as he becomes more than just brawn when he takes a job as
a Lawyer) this season shows how the law firm affects their
lives and relationships. Each of the main characters get their
own episodes which is great for fans. And the law firm spin
definitely allows a big breath of fresh air into the show
to ensure that none of the episodes are dull.
with Cordy gone, Angel needed some fresh blood and
as Buffy had ended, viewers were ecstatic that Spike
switched over to Angel. This leads to some great comedy
duo moments between Angel and Spike which definitely lightens
up one of the darkest seasons of the show.
life is scary it seems, but also opens up some great story
opportunities. The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinqo,
You're Welcome (the series' 100th episode which also
ties up Cordy's loose ends) and Smile Time (Where Angel
gets turned into a puppet) are just three examples of classic
TV, but nearly every episode keeps you gripped; there aren't
many turkeys in this season...
final episode takes a very dark turn, and as cancellation
was decided at quite a late stage, it seems the ending was
deliberately ambiguous just in case Angel was given
a chance to shine again. Still, its pretty tear jerking stuff,
as not everyone makes it through alive, but it leaves you
wondering who did survive, and whether, with the current emptiness
of the 'Buffyverse' on our TV, any of them will return to
continue the legacy.
for the DVDs extras, well you've got a good selection of commentaries
to listen to, with a mixture of producers, directors, writers
and actors giving you their pennies worth. Although I always
feel like there could be more extras, you do get a good selection
of stuff this time round. The gag reel is a classic and must
be re-watched, and at just under six minutes in length it
doesn't disappoint. There's also seven featurettes to get
your teeth into, discussing the life and death of the series,
its stunts and villains to name but a few, plus one dedicated
to the classic puppet episode.
great season of Angel, and sadly the last. Go out and
buy it to complete your collection, or if you somehow missed
them before, go out and get the complete show from series
1-5 just so you can experience what the rest of us can't stop
going on about.

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