Harry is a man with a problem, born with a birthmark that
covers his face in the shape of Madagascar. The mark has become
Harry's personal wall behind which he finds himself trapped,
through self consciousness; he is unable to experience the
simple pleasure of just being with another. He longs to claw
his way past his introspective homosexual nature but when
he tries the worst thing happens to him, people look at him.
Fleeing the city he takes himself to an isolated spot. Chance
brings him to dig a man named Flint out of the sand; saving
him from his would be murderers. As their relationship develops
Flint tries to dig beneath Harry's self imposed exile...
Madagascar Skin (1995) is not an easy film to categorise;
it's a serious slice of film with its own internal structure.
Part comedy part tragedy, the film explores the idea of surfaces
and what hides beneath. It is no consequence that Harry rescues
Flint by digging him out of the sand. With only his head showing
Harry must dig beneath the surface to free Flint. In their
subsequent relationship Flint repays the debt by helping Harry
to dig beneath his own surface and come to terms with the
person within. Two unlikely displaced fugitives, Flint from
the police and Harry from society, find affection and acceptance
in their unlikely relationship.
is played by John Hannah, better known for his lighter comedy
roles in Four Weddings and a Funeral and the two Mummy
films, it takes a little while to accept him in this dystrophic
role. It's a measure of his acting ability that you soon forget
his more comic personas. His journey from trapped self hatred
to final acceptance, of himself, plays out convincingly -
plucking at the audiences heart strings along the way. His
scar and his homosexuality, both of which he perceives as
barriers, are surmounted leading him to an existential freedom
that he previously could not imagine.
Hill has appeared in over seventy television and cinema films,
though at present is best known for his role of King Theoden
in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It's hard to fault
his performance here. The consummate professional he steals
many of the scenes which he shares with John Hanna. The rest
of the cast also play their parts well with no real naff standout
The print isn't too bad considering its age, though there
is some print damage evident, but not so much as to spoil
what is otherwise an excellent film. Sound is stereo, and
there are few extras evident. If there is a criticism it's
that the film is a little too dark for your average audience,
at points the film feels unrelenting. Otherwise this is well
worth a look.

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