It's a party they'll never forget in For the Man Who
has Everything when Mongul surprises Superman, Batman and
Wonder Woman at the Fortress of Solitude on Superman's birthday.
Then, more than a dozen leaguers take on the mighty android
Amazo, seeking revenge against Lex Luthor in The Return,
and the shocking episode ending poses more questions about
the League's future. Finally, The Greatest Story Never
Told features Booster Gold, a glory-hunting hero from the
future who finally gets into the action and saves the day...
but he's the only one who knows it. Join the fight for justice
with JLU...
is a pretty impressive collection of episodes from the
Justice League Unlimited series.
up is a Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman tale called For
the Man Who has Everything. This sees Batman and Wonder
Woman turning up to Superman's Fortress of Solitude to surprise
him for his birthday. However, when they get there they discover
that he is paralysed, with an alien entity wrapped around
him. It soon transpires that the alien has attached itself
to Superman's mind and is keeping him alive in a dreamlike
fantasy world. Can his friends free him from this parasite?
This episode is based on the 1985 comic story written by Alan
second tale, The Return, sees an old enemy of Lex Luthor's
return to destroy him. Amazo, the not-to-be-messed-with android
packs a mighty punch that the JLU don't really want to mess
the first two episodes are pretty impressive, it is the final
story in this collection that makes this a must own release.
The Greatest Story Never Told is played almost entirely
for laughs.
This episode introduces Booster Gold, a superhero from the
future who has come back in time to ensure that a future exists
for all of humanity... at least that's what he claims. Gold
is more interested in fame and fortune than actually saving
any one, and when he is finally picked for a mission he is
a little upset to discover that he is put on crowd control
duties while the rest of the League battle it out with a super
villain. It is while doing his job, rather poorly, that he
and his robotic sidekick, Skeets, (voiced by Futurama's
Billy West) discover an even deadlier threat to Earth. The
rest of the episode is concerned with Gold's rather poor attempts
to save the Earth.
buffs will no doubt appreciate Skeets's : "My gosh! It's
was full of stars." homage to 2010. And anyone
with a sense of humour will find this a great episode.
include The Science of Superheroes (3 minute featurette
that talks to an expert from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
about how superheroes could have special powers on Earth);
Voices of Justice (5 minute featurette that interviews
some of the voice actors from the series); a multiple choice
superhero challenge quiz and a collection of trailers for
other releases.
it would have been a better release if more than just three
episodes were included, this is still a must own collection
for any serious superhero fan.

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