Jamie Sommers (AKA The Bionic Woman) undergoes an operation
to help recover her memory. The operation is a partial success
and she regains most of her memories apart from those leading
up to her parachute accident and her engagement to Steve Austin
- The Bionic Man...
Home Jamie guest
stars Lee Majors as Jamie's old flame and sets the scene for
Jamie's future life - A life without Steve - in the town of
Ojai. There are some touching scenes between Wagner and Major
(although I wonder home many other fans will notice that Jamie's
name is incorrectly spelt on the tree etching. The scenes
as Jamie starts her job as teacher of the World's worst class
are also amusing and this episode is a fine starting episode
for the DVD.

gets her first mission in her new surroundings when she is
forced to go undercover and use her special powers to steal
artifacts for a wealthy businessman...
Home Jamie, part two sees
a quickening of pace with our bionic hero getting stuck straight
into a dirty job. Lots of out dated sexist attitudes start
to creep out of the woodwork dating this episode badly. Nevertheless
this is still good fun.

Bionic Woman's super powers are required to rescue a diplomat
trapped in the middle of a civil war. Does she manage to do
it? What do you think?..
of Mercy gets straight to the action with explosions by
the bucketful. But it's when Jamie finally starts out on her
journey that you realise this was filmed when the planet was
a 'man's World'. More sexism in the form of Starky, the Neanderthal
helicopter pilot that you want to reach out and punch - all
credit to the actor.
fun episode that will keep you entertained.

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