and Leah are not even born yet, Darth Vader is a little sproglet
and Yoda is still looking like a month old lettuce. There
are lots of effects, a pod race and an annoying creature called
Jar Jar...
basically, is a bluffers guide to Star Wars: Episode One
and the
release of the DVD has got to be one of the most anticipated
cinematic events ever. From one of the most well known franchises
in the world, fans were expecting big stuff - and big stuff
they get.
for the film, well the special effects are amazin. The movie
is populated with a wild range of creatures, flora and horizons,
all rendered in absolute detail. You get to see more of the
Jedi's, a world pre-Darth Vader, kick-ass saber battles 'tween
Obi, Qui Gon and Darth Maul, and the epic War and Peace
Naboo/Trade Federation battle scenes rocked!
be honest, not everything in Episode 1 is great, take
the weak story for one. I found the pod race very boring,
and that little Anakin is just a bit too cutesy. As for Jar
Jar Binks, many will say he was the most annoying element
of sci-fi ever to be created and I just cannot disagree.
of the most enjoyable parts of the DVD, for me, was seeing
poor old George Lucas in one of many 'making of' documentaries
explain how the fans would love Jar Jar as he brings such
great humour to the film! Oh
the irony. Still, I gotta say there could well be some converts
- as a DVD it excels.
menus are amazing, and contained within are some great examples
of what can, and should be done with DVDs. Over six hours
of additional material are concealed including an audio commentary
by George Lucas et al, and there are seven never-before-seen
deleted scenes with full visual effects (300 shots) completed
solely for this DVD.
is still the tip of the iceberg, and you can spend many happy
hours delving into the hidden world of LucasFilm and Star
Wars and not get bored. As DVDs go - it's a winner.

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