What a nice, neat package - a two disc set of The Fly
and Fly 2. Generously priced, a full 5.1 soundtrack
and encoded anamorphically in 16:9. Okay, so the extras are
pretty poor but at this price you'd be hard pressed to complain
about lack of value.
Fly remains one of the most uncomfortable horror movies
of all time. The slow decay of a man as he transforms into
a monster is truly chilling and if you can ignore the aged-looking
computer graphics and some pretty nasty hair cuts (did people
actually have hair like that?) there's very little to fault
the film. Darkly sinister, coldly observed and well paced,
The Fly remains the gothic classic it was hailed to
be when first released.
2 tries very hard but somehow its internal logic just
doesn't hang together. In truth it was never going to be easy
to create a sequel but this is a brave - and often effective
- attempt, albeit lacking some of the wit of the previous
movie. There are moments when the horror turns nasty, cheapening
its narrative thrust, but on the whole it's as good as could
be hoped for under difficult circumstances: there's no way
it could have topped its classic predecessor.
do you buy this twin set? Of course you do if only because
it's the ideal pairing for a Friday night in front of the
TV with a beer and a pizza. Whether you'll finish your food
is another matter...

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