SG-1 is summoned to Abydos after a child is discovered walking
in the desert. The child possess the genetic memory of the
Goa'uld. After sharing his knowledge with Daniel Jackson (through
a process not dissimilar to a mind meld) a chain of events
are set in motion which witness Jackson turn into a power
hungry megalomaniac...
Power is a refreshing change of pace to the series. It
allows Michael Shanks to prove that he has a wider acting
range than his character allows. There is a point during the
episode when fans will be truly flummoxed by the proceedings
and you could be forgiven for wondering how on earth the writers
are going to resolve this episode. Thankfully they do, and
with a well executed twist. Impressive.

a member of the SGC commits suicide no one can understand
why. But after Daniel Jackson is saved from killing himself
SG-1 soon discover that a strange artifact on a previously
visited planet may hold the key...
is rather slow and would have been better used as a subplot
for a stronger episode. There really isn't enough going on
to justify 45 minutes of time and the ending hits you in the
face before you know what has happened.
to say that this is the worst episode in season four so far.
If this had been an episode on Star Trek: Voyager then
it could be forgiven, but with a series as constantly good
as SG-1 this sticks out like a sore thumb. The Light is

giving a lecture at her old academy, Carter crosses swords
with a promising young cadet who reminds her of herself. Carter
decides to take her along on a Stargate mission which soon
turns into a nightmare when the SG-1 team are attacked by
alien life forms that are composed entirely of energy...
introduces possibly the most annoying character since Wesley
Crusher was introduced to Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Cadet Hailey has a serious Harry Ramsden on her shoulder.
That said, it is a credit to the actress's ability to make
you hate her so much (which is obviously the desired intention).
only real problem I had here was that Hailey is introduced
and then at the end of the episode it is left open as to what
happens to her. I assume that she goes back to her studies,
but surely allowing such an arrogant character to have knowledge
of the Stargate is a serious breech of security? Still, there
is an excellent amusing cameo from real chief of staff of
the Air Force, General Michael Ryan to make up for it.

alien probe downloads itself into Carter's body. The SGC can
find no way of destroying the probe unless they sacrifice
is a well paced episode which plods along nicely. There is
also a nice twist that throws a question mark of the good
guy image of the SG-1 team. An average episode at best though.

is a rather disappointing disc, not up to the standards of
what we have come to expect. But fear not, volume 19 promises
to herald a spectacular return to form.
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