The proof that world governments, multinational corporations
and a number of religious organisations withhold critical
data to misinform the public in a bid to further their own
aims has long been debated. This series hopes to give an insight
into this allegations and let the viewer decide for themselves...
the Faith: The Mystery of Mass Suicide examines the way
in which thousands of individuals have been duped by the charismatic
powers of cult leaders. Interestingly enough it is pointed
out early on in this documentary that most popular religions
that are around at present were actually shunned by society
when they began - set up by fanatics and mad men. It
examines one of the most famous mass suicides: Jim Jones and
his followers in, Guyana (where on November 17 1978, 900 members
of the People's Temple died after drinking cyanide laced punch)
and the more recent Heaven's Gate cult - where 39 members
killed themselves so that they could join aliens that were
approaching Earth in the tail of a comet.
documentary looks at the history of these two leaders and
asks what could have happened to prevent this? It interviews
past members of both cults and offers a view on why normal
individuals would give up there lives for one man.
is well balanced and compelling viewing.

Fraud: E=MC2 examines the cold fusion fiasco and the revelation
of the Piltdown
man as two of the greatest perpetuated facades in scientific
history. As scientists are under increasingly greater pressure
to achieve results in their chosen fields the failure to produce
conclusive evidence often results in the withdrawal of research
grants. How do these conflicts of interest impact the reliability
of medical and scientific discovery and how do they affect
our society? Scientists,
it would seem, are not working in our best interests Scientists
are constantly under pressure by their sponsors to provide
results on research before they have even really begun. Also
researchers are more inclined to perpetuate science fraud
to keep their sponsors happy.
maybe the worst shunning of the science profession, that of
the debunking of the discovery of cold fusion, also resulted
in the public ridicule of two well respected scientists. And
why? Because if there theories had been taken seriously we
may now have a cleaner, cheaper and more efficient source
of power. While mankind and the environment would benefit
the establishment would loose plenty. Therefore covering up
the discovery has put mankind's research into this field back
40 years.
