First, let me tell you that this review contains a spoiler
so those of you who are watching season three for the first
time had better look away now.
with me? Okay. Continuing from the cliffhanger that concluded
volume 10, The Devil You Know sees SG-1 at the mercy
of Apophis, assumed to be quite dead, but clearly not. Apophis
is after the location of the Tok'ra so that he can buy his
freedom from Sokar, or so he would have Sokar think. Sokar,
meanwhile, is concerned that the Tok'ra know of his plan to
attack the system lords and brings his plan forward. However,
the Tok'ra intend to stop Sokar permanently by launching a
missile into the moon Sokar has turned into a facsimile of
Hell and they are willing to sacrifice SG-1 in the process.
really steals the show in this episode. His sheer evil behaviour
and endless scheming are a delight to watch, making even the
relentlessly sinister Sokar (who looks like he listens to
far too much Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails) second best
in the bad-guy league. The special effects are tremendous
and the climax to the episode is as exciting as they come.

base is on alert due to a chemical spill when the SG-1 team
return after a mission. General Hammond orders them all to
the infirmary where, instead of receiving a check-up, they
are all rendered unconscious. Teal'c is the first to wake
and sees aliens. Clearly, the base has been invaded. Teal'c
escapes and manages to rescue Carter who reaches the surface
and contacts Lt Colonel Maybourne for assistance. However,
it appears that the aliens are one step ahead.
is a good, solid adventure story that does have you questioning
whether Teal'c and Carter are right. The presence of Maybourne
is unexpected and for once he isn't a complete pain in the
backside. This is the first time that SG-1 has been infiltrated
by aliens and while the concept per se is hardly new, Stargate
SG-1 is a programme of such quality that interest in the
story is maintained throughout.

a member of the Tollan people that SG-1 saved some time ago,
appears through the gate to tell them that their presence
is required. Skaara, once a friend to Colonel O'Neill and
now host to a Goa'uld, is asking the help of the Tollans.
A hearing is to be held that will decide whether Skaara has
rightful possession of his body or the Goa'uld, Klorel.
Pretense is not one of the most thrilling of episodes,
although Alex Cruz (Skaara) gives a sterling performance as
both Skaara and Klorel. Lord Zipcana (the Goa'uld defending
Klorel's interests) is a worthy adversary and replete with
a smile that always finishes as a sneer, a feature that adds
most pleasingly to the character's villainous nature. The
episode finishes rather hastily and predictably and one feels
that more thought could have been put into the climax. However,
Pretense is more about Skaara's plight than it is about
action, so I'm probably being pedantic.

embark on a mission that results in them, at least to their
own memories, stepping straight back through the Stargate,
seemingly having gone nowhere. However, they have been absent
several hours and it soon transpires that they have each received
a brain implant. The implants are essentially probes that
allow an unknown alien to record and monitor the lives of
the SG-1 team. Unfortunately, the probes have a collective
personality known as Urgo who is decidedly more than a handful.
of you old enough to remember the film Cannonball Run
will be familiar with the comedic antics of Dom DeLuise. Urgo
does work as a comedy episode and Dom DeLuise gives an endearing
and amusing performance. The story won't win any awards, but
the execution is certainly excellent making for a genuinely
entertaining episode.

Jeff Watson