The SG-1 team have recently relocated the Enkaran race to
another planet, as theirs was unable to sustain them any longer.
Not long after they have started to get used to their new
surroundings the appearance of a mysterious ship threatens
their existence. This vessel begins to terraform the planet,
making it impossible for its new inhabitants to live their.
The only problem is is that there is no other planet known
to the SGC team that will suit the Enkaran's requirements...
Earth in
principle is a good idea, but it never quite takes off as
well as it should have. From the moment the team are 'beamed'
aboard the mysterious craft you start to wonder whether the
budget has been cut. Do aliens this far advanced really shop
at the gadget shop? Yes, those not very trendy cylinders filled
with water and rising air bubbles come into their own here.
The set designer must have spent just over £100 on that
minor niggle aside the episode rolls along at a steady pace
and is quite nail biting. It could have been better. And for
a series as consistently strong as SG-1, fans will
be expecting more.

members of SG-1 are enslaved underground on P3R118. Their
memories have been erased and replaced with alternative ones,
leaving them believing that this is where they belong. Back
on Earth General Hammond has been told that his team has been
killed leaving him no choice but to leave SG-1 for dead...
the surface is an extremely dark episode which is beautifully
lit throughout. A bright blue is used every time we get to
see the ruling classes on the planet and a murky red or green
is used for the underground labour camps.
is a real sense of tension as we wait to discover whether
Hammond will give up the search before it is too late. A fine
episode which sets the season back on course.

a stranger leaves a message on the SG-1 switchboard for colonel
O'Neill it looks like just a crank caller. However, this civilian
seems to know a lot about the Stargate. O'Neill agrees to
meet with him and realises he is just a crank when he declares
he is an alien - he even has the colonel follow him into the
woods to find his crashed space craft...
of no return is quite a moving episode and keeps you guessing
until the last minute as to whether the crank is just that
or a very simple alien. And just who are those mysterious
men that are keeping a close watch on him?
is one of the better episodes this season.

and Teal'c are in the midst of testing a Gould/human
hybrid spacecraft when Teal'c sets of a hidden trap embedded
in the ship by Apophis. This sets of a chain of events that
leave the two members of SG-1 heading back to Gould space.
Unfortunately they don't have to worry about what will happen
when they get there, as their life support will run out before
then. With no allied ships in the vicinity it looks like our
heroes are about to meet their maker(s)...
is an extremely well structured episode. It is also a very
dark episode and O'Neill injects just the right amount of
humour to keep this episode just the right side of depressing.
45 minutes devoted to this episode is just a little too short
and the ending seems a little rushed. But, having said that,
Tangent brings this DVD to a roaring conclusion.

addition to the episodes there are audio commentaries for
all the episodes, a look behind the SGC unit and previews
for all the episodes on the next volume. Yet another excellent
disc from MGM Home Entertainment.
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