favourite pink puffy hero embarks on another adventure to
save his neighbours from King Dedede, who has interrupted
everyone's peaceful dreams. Kirby must collect the scattered
pieces of the Star Rod and restore the Fountain of Dreams.
How's he going to do this? By copying the bad guys' best moves
and eating - yes, eating - them and their weapons...
Nightmare in Dream Land is about as trippy as you want
to get in a console game. Swallowing up the bad guys and spitting
them out at other enemies is entertaining for a while, but
things soon start to get a little repetitive.
hate to use this sexist term, but this is definitely a girly
game - or very young child's game. So, those macho types out
there that like beating the crap out of each other will not
really enjoy this.
said that, it is challenging and it is entertaining - it's
just too cutesy-poo to appeal to the majority of today's game
buyers. While it is immensely good fun swallowing monsters
(and in some cases taking on their abilities - becoming a
wheel, prickly creature or taking their laser) it soon gets
a little too familiar and once that happens it starts to get
dull. There are some good mini-games probably the best being
bomb rally, but they don't really help to spice the main game
for the young.

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