Bored of planet Earth? Do you have a God complex but can't
be bothered to start a cult? Then this could be the game for
you. Leaving Earth far behind you can start up a new space
colony. Take control of the resources, the chores, the living
conditions, and ultimately, the fate of all the colonists
and visitors to your space base. Turn the oxygen flow up a
tad and, despite the terrors of living in space, your colonists
will be oblivious to the dangers of the alien-infested planets
they've made their home. Or plumb in a Jacuzzi and the worry
that giant alien brains are taking over the base will simply
melt away...
you are a fan of the numerous The Sims games but want
a little more to do than lounge around in a house you'll never
be able to afford to buy in the real world, then Space
Colony could be the next leap forward for you. Now you
can lounge around on a planet that you'll never be to afford
in the real world.
are over 100 buildings for you to play with and it's up to
you to create a colony that meets all the colonists needs
as well as keeping them safe and happy. Make no mistake;
none of the colonists you'll meet were ever on a NASA shortlist.
However, a craftsman never blames his tools and there's work
to be done. Each unique personality has a mind of their own
so remember: a happy colonist is a productive colonist. Ignore
them for too long and they will start to argue, pick fights,
get depressed or go crazy. Nurture them and, like the cult
members you've always dreamed of (or is that just me?) they
will work tirelessly for you, become friends and even fall
in love.
game is a cross between Sim City and The Sims
- taking the enjoyable elements from both games. I've always
been a fan of The Sims, but the numerous additions
that are now on offer don't really offer that much new. What
The Sims fans have been looking for is a reworking
of their favourite genre. And Space Colony provides
once you get bored of playing by the rules, or are feeling
in a particularly vindictive mood, you can torment your colonists
too! See how many you can kill, or start a fight. Turn off
the oxygen supply, or let the indigenous lifeforms run amok.
It's up to you! You're the boss.
thing worth mentioning is the cool pack design which uses
lenticular images to produce a 3D cover that changes slightly
as you move your head.
The Sims. Space Colony is the coolest simulation
game on the market! But don't take my word for it -
here for a free downloadable

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