Dance 'til you drop to one of the largest collection of
licensed music to appear in a dancing game. Tracks include
chart-topping hits from Mis-Teeq, Sugababes, DJ Sammi, Sophie
Ellis Bextor and Liberty X...
it's a dance game with a pink cover. So what do the sexist
pigs here do? Refuse to review it under the misconception
that they'll look uncool writing about a girls game. Well,
they may not have wanted to review it, but could I get anywhere
near it once they'd seen it in action? No!
may seem like just another dance game at first sight but there
is more to it. It features a range of play modes and three
difficulty levels from beginner to expert. The dance routines
have been professionally choreographed by graduates from the
Royal Academy of Dance and have been designed to exploit the
new eight-way dance mat.
not easy to get the hang of using the mat. You're going to
need a largish space and plenty of patience to get to grips
with it. You can play on your own or on one of the head-to-head
modes that allow you to compete against friends and family.
And there is even a handicap system that allows players with
two left feet to compete against the more accomplished movers.
And for a real party experience Dance:UK can be set
to a consecutive multiplayer mode in which up to eight players
can dance using one or two mats. The game works with any dance
mats, but it was designed for use with the Dance: UK
is also an aerobics mode that allows players to see how much
energy they're burning and a Juke Box mode in which any difficulty
level and any track can be chosen and practised. You can also
buy a wireless karaoke microphone, so that you can sing along
with the tracks while your friends dance.
opened this the second it came into the office and while the
guys pretended not to show any interest at first they were
soon bopping away. And that was it! Once they were grooving
we couldn't get them off it.
does probably mean that your Dad will want to show everyone
that he still has the moves. Humour him... that's my advice.
this is only going to have a limited appeal as the songs will
soon become old hat. And it's not as though you can turn the
TV sound down and play something else - the dance steps go
to the beat of the music, but if Bigben release add on discs
in the future, then this will be one series that everyone
will stick with.
the best dance game released so far - if you like that sort
of thing. The only real complaint is that it takes way too
long to get to grips with the mat.

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