Once again George Stobbart and Nico must join forces to
save the world from an unspeakable evil. This time around
their quest involves the mysterious Voynich Manuscript which
has long thought to hold the secret to eternal youth. But
can our heroes get to it before other interested parties who
want to use the artefact for their own evil purposes?...
Sword: The Sleeping Dragon
starts in the jungles of the Congo and goes on to encompass
the back streets of Paris, Glastonbury and the castles of
Prague. You start the game as George after his plane has crash
landed in the Congo and it is up to you to save yourself and
an injured pilot before finding your way back to civilisation.
in Paris, journalist Nico becomes entangled in a murder as
she discovers that a scientist she was due to interview is
game sees you switching between Nico and George as the two
separate storylines develop. Anyone familiar with the Broken
Sword franchise will feel right at home, although gone
is the cartoon feel to the graphics. The cursor aspect has
also been replaced, so that instead of pointing and clicking
at areas and items, you are more free to roam around your
more at home playing beat 'em ups and Tomb Raider style
games may find The Sleeping Dragon a little on the
dull side. There is a little too much walking around, examining
items and talking to people, and very little in the way of
action. But, if you like your games to stimulate your mind
a little more than normal, then this is worth a look.
opening levels are simple, it's just a case of moving around
until something appears on your screen to be examined (or
allows you to climb onto, over or around it) and you should
be able to rattle through this game fairly easily. What is
frustrating is the bizarre logic that is present at times.
There is a section of the game where you know you have to
give a gypsy some silver coins and you know they are attached
to a book you have been given, but it takes a while to realise
that you need to use a metal bar(?!!?) to prise them from
the book.
problem is that there are too many dull conversations that
you must have with people in order to progress in the game.
This is most annoying on the Glastonbury level, where you
have to sit and talk to people for what seems like an eternity
Also, you will find yourself having to head from one store
to another in order to accomplish certain tasks, and the loading
time between these sections is just too long.
game looks good, and the storyline is engrossing, but this
is hardly likely to appeal to anyone that didn't enjoy the
previous games in the series.

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