While colonising Mars, humanity faced numerous difficulties.
One by one, colonists abandoned the planet and moved to other
worlds. Only automatic industries and top-secret military
research centres remained on Mars. Nobody could imagine then
that the abandoned red planet would ever attract the attention
of mankind again. Suddenly the Martian satellites breaks down,
The Government decides to send an investigation team to the
red planet. But what should be a simple investigation turns
into a battle to stay alive...
Offworld Recon
looks like a pretty standard Doom/Quake clone.
But it's not just about senseless violence and beating the
hell out of your enemies. You have to use the old grey matter
in order to progress from level to level. And what may at
first seem a complicated puzzle to solve can turn out to be
very simple in practice. For example, during the first level
an obvious solution to a problem is to throw your grenades
at an enemy. However, doing so will result in the grenades
exploding before they've even left your hands. You'll soon
discover that a defensive strategy can be a more successful
are seven individual levels that see you and your team aboard
settings that include a spaceship; landing on Mars; exploring
a factory and Martian caves. All are beautifully detailed
and I loved the way that there are maze like corridors in
some levels which seem almost impossible to navigate. During
the first level I spent ages trying to find my crew, but once
I did, I realised I had been going around in circles for some
pays off to spend a bit of time getting used to the controls
- the first time I encountered the rogue droids I panicked,
forgot how to control my robot, and was killed in seconds.
you want a little more from your Doom/Quake
style of games, then this game will appeal to you. However,
if you idea of fun is running around with a gun blowing away
anything that moves, you'd be advised to look elsewhere.
original and well priced.

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