A mysterious villain is using an ancient book, the Tome
of Doom, to unleash some of the creepiest creatures the Scooby
gang has ever met. Will you help our heroes capture the ghosts
with The Tome of Doom?...
should have known what was in store once the game started.
The opening sequence attempts to copy the animated opening
credits of the '60s cartoon series. However, it doesn't do
a very good job.
storyline cut-sequences spoof the original series and even
include a naff canned-laughter track. And to be honest these
segments do manage to capture the charm of the original cartoon
- in that they are corny!
begin with the gameplay looks promising. You take control
of Shag (no laughing at the back) and Scoob and you can change
between them whenever you feel like it. But once you start
to get into the game you start to realise there is not much
to it. You can't jump and the only other move, other than
running around, is "sneak" - which enables you to
creep past some ghosts. At certain points you can climb obstacles.
This looks quite cool as Shag and Scoob help each other climb
over the objects.
rooms all look the same and it is easy to get lost. And, for
some reason I still can't fathom, the game keeps switching
from 3D rooms to flat 2D corridors.
doesn't take long to realise that there is nothing much to
this game. Trapping ghosts, finding clues, and occasionally
doing a chore for one of the other gang members - like finding
Velma's glasses - soon becomes boring.

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