Take control of two light infantry teams as they head behind
enemy lines. Full Spectrum Warrior is a squad-based,
tactical-action game that delivers the experience of squad
level command in the heat of battle. The product was developed
with expertise from University of Southern California's Institute
for Creative Technologies, which worked with Pandemic to bring
state-of-the-art technology to the game. Designed to simulate
today's challenges of urban combat missions, Full Spectrum
Warrior delivers a level of realism and accuracy that has
never been seen in a military-based game...
yeah, yeah! We've heard all that promotional puff a million
times before. However, the fact is that Full Spectrum Warrior
actually delivers what it promises.
game is based on a light infantry-training simulator designed
by Pandemic Studios for the U.S. Army as a tool to reinforce
army doctrine and squad tactics amongst troops. However, the
small print on the pack claims that: "This game is not
sponsored or endorsed by the United States Army" which
I found amusing.
control of two teams (Alpha and Bravo) each with four team
members, with their own specialities, and head off into enemy
territory. To be honest it's not essential that you know what
each team member does, because completing each level is simply
achieved by using the squad as a complete unit.
one of your squad is incapacitated you can pick him up and
carry him until you reach a medic, who will have your wounded
as good as new in no time. You
can afford to have one man down, but if two fall then your
mission is a failure and you must start again from your last
save point.
game's controls look impossibly difficult to start with and
the training levels are a real help. These guide you through
the main controls and how to deploy your troops, use your
weapons effectively and how to use your men as a team.
nice touch is the fact that while you can restock your main
ammo when you get to an area with a UN truck and allied troops,
you can't stock up on grenades and other high explosive weapons.
This means that you you need to make sure you only use these
weapons in emergencies only, otherwise you could find yourself
running out in areas when you most need them.
also loved the in-game banter between your characters - foul-mouthed
is probably the best way to describe it. But it is very funny
and you don't hear the same dialogue repeated that often.
is certainly the most realistic battle simulation game I've
ever played. The graphics and sound are stunning and the gameplay
is extremely addictive. However, it is a little too simple.
I managed to finish the game over the course of a few days
- and I'm sure more determined gamers could probably finish
it in an intense afternoon. The game doesn't really get increasingly
difficult as you progress, which is a shame, and it is really
easy to finish a lot of the levels without getting killed.
there seems to be no serious bugs (although my commanding
officer from one troop did somehow end up inside a building
during one level, which meant I had to start again from my,
and the zoom function doesn't work too well if you try and
move the camera - it moves erratically making it difficult
to look at your targets).
is also very little depth to the game. There are very few
real choices as you have to guide your men along set routes
and if you fail in your bid to traverse a certain area (for
example if you get picked off unexpectedly by a hidden sniper)
the fact that all of the enemies are predictably in the same
place when you restart that level means that this is a game
where trial and error comes very much into play.
graphics and addictive gameplay make this a must own game.
It's just a shame it is a little too easy to complete.

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