On the verge of a long-awaited peace between the Green and
the Tan, rogue elements of the Tan Army draw Sarge away from
his squad. Out in the field, Sarge discovers a new and diabolical
enemy - Lord Malice - equipped with weapons that threaten
the very existence of the Green Nation. With his squad destroyed,
Sarge becomes a one-man army out to stop Lord Malice at all
costs. Enter a gritty world of toy-on-toy combat...
Men: Sarge's War sees
plenty of plastic mayhem unleashed on your Xbox. Are you prepared
to melt your way through thousands of tan coloured army men
in order to ensure that green reigns supreme?
you start the game proper, you are strongly advised to practice
your shooting and manoeuvring skills on the training levels.
Throwing those grenades is not as easy as it looks, and you
don't want to be messing around in an emergency trying to
remember which buttons to press.
you kick off in the full game it soon becomes apparent that
this, in essence, is like any one of a thousand similar Medal
of Honour style game. Sadly though the graphics and gameplay
are not up to the challenge and you'll be hard pushed to have
the energy, or the patients to want to see this game through
to its conclusion.
not that this is a bad game, just that it offers nothing (and
I mean "nothing") new to an already crowded genre.
the price is cheap enough, there are plenty of other much
better executed games in a similar vein. And, even if you
are a follower of the other games in this series, you're going
to seriously question adding this to your games cupboard.

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