War has come to the planet [Read this aloud in your best Vader
impression]. An all consuming war that has been going on so
long that now it has become a way of life. The organisations
which once provided the weapons have become all powerful with
profits being the driving force. For the population, that
has endured so long, money becomes the overriding reason to
live. To this end tournaments of champions are organised where
the participants can bet on the outcome. It is the future,
a future of Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport...
this world you play Nolan Daneworth (I kid you not) a man
with a past that is as much a mystery to himself as it is
to any who have lost the will to live enough to enquire. Now
you may think that your life was bad enough having to sport
a name like that, but no, you discover your girlfriend dead.
Rather than jump to the obvious conclusion - that she had
no intention of being the next Mrs Daneworth - you decide
that it's really the work of the Boryenkas Brothers, well
known Bet on Soldier champions. So off you go to throw
your body into danger in search of the Bonkers Brothers.
Wow, another first person shooter (FPS) set in a relentlessly
violent future, where do these guys come up with their ideas?
Installation of the game is pretty straight forward, and anyone
who has played an FPS will be up and running in no time. There
are the usual options for a game like this, with weapons to
collect and upgrades stronger than a gallon of red bull, to
keep you chasing for that elusive high.
sound and graphics are nice, and there are some interesting
graphical touches within the game, but it looses a little
when it comes to sustained atmosphere, which is a shame as
its one of the few games not based on a pre-bought graphics
engine. So, in an ever burgeoning market why should you fork
out your hard earned cash on this piece of code?
the game does have some interesting aspects to it. Firstly
it is non-linear, so that when you play through the game you
really do get to choose what missions you wish to undertake.
Central to the game is the idea of betting. As a mercenary,
not in the pay of the corporations, the only way you are going
to fund your blood fest is through placing bets on matches
and winning. Now this, in itself, is not as exciting as it
could be in the single player game, but takes on a whole new
meaning when the game is played online. Just how much can
you trust your team-mates when they are all betting against
it's a nice little game with a few original touches which
will keep you going if your into first person shooters, but
I'm not sure just how long it will keep you interest unless
you play it online.
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All prices correct at time of going to press.