Set in the untamed West of the late-1800s, you play as
Colton White, a vengeful gunslinger. Straddle the line between
good and evil as you showdown against corrupt lawmen, a murderous
preacher, renegade army psychopaths, merciless outlaws and
unforgiving Native Americans. Wage your war on horseback,
collecting bounties, and commandeering trains. Travel through
an action-packed landscape of high mountain wilderness, deserts
and bustling territorial towns in an epic story of betrayal,
greed, and revenge...
is a pretty impressive looking game that sees you being able
to ride horses, shoot outlaws and wander around the Old West
looking for gold to mine. First impressions are incredibly
positive. The training sections, where you learn to ride horses
and how to use your guns, are really good fun - although it's
a shame that you never actually have to use the horses for
anything important in the main game, other than getting from
A to B. However, if you play Pony Express side missions then
you will be using your horse to rush around a lot.
are plenty of neat little touches that make this a fun game.
I loved the way that your health meter is topped up by swigging
whisky, and that you can enter quick draw mode - which allows
you to quickly shoot the bad guys before they have a chance
to get a shot off at you. And mining gold in order to collect
money is another nice touch.
are problems though. Firstly there is no multi-player option.
Also the main game is over far too quickly. Even the most
novice of players will be able to finish this over a weekend.
And, while I know this is set in the Old West where things
were a little quiet, you can spend a great deal of time wandering
around on horse back without encountering another soul. There
is the odd bandit wandering around who will attack you, but
otherwise there are no other travellers or Indians to see.
would have been great if you could have taken control of a
horse and cart and ferry people around while Indians attack.
Or how about taking a wagon train to another city? It's a
shame really that a little more wasn't made of the Old West
advice (and I strongly suggest you follow this) is to break
off from the main story mode after each section and do several
of the side missions. Then come back to the main story mission
every now and then. If you don't, it's very doubtful whether
you'll want to be bothered roaming around the towns and Wild
West wastelands once you've finished the main game. Also,
the side missions allow you to purchase upgrades and extra
health bars, as well as get in some much needed practice with
your firearms.
missions include finding wanted posters around the towns and
then tracking down the felons; helping a rancher round up
his livestock, or retrieving his missing horses; or helping
out the local sheriff to bring peace to his town.
only a little more thought had gone into this, gamers would
have enjoyed explore the wastelands, hunting buffalo or setting
up their own community. Instead they just spend ages racing
from one town to another with nothing, but beautiful countryside
to look at.
is so close to greatness that it's painful.
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