Embark on an epic adventure created in collaboration with
Academy Award-winning director Peter Jackson and based on
the Universal Pictures' film. Survive as Jack in a world crawling
with predators and live the legend as Kong. Use weapons, traps,
and your team wisely to survive in first-person as Jack. Break
jaws, slam enemies, and throw massive objects in Kong's colossal
third-person battles...
Jackson's King Kong has
to be one of the most impressive movie-to-game conversions
to be released to date. The graphics are impressive, the likeness
of the characters from the film is pretty authentic, and you
get just enough ammunition throughout the game to ensure that
you have to think carefully before squeezing that trigger.
start off as part of an expedition, manned by explorers and
documentary filmmakers, that travels to the mysterious Skull
Island (near Sumatra) to investigate legends of a giant gorilla
named Kong. Amongst the crew that make it to the island in
one piece are Carl Denham (an overzealous film director),
Ann Darrow (his leading lady), and Jack Driscoll, a screenwriter.
game starts with a lengthy introduction that sees you (playing
as Jack) finally make it to the shores of Skull Island, after
losing members of your crew. You are slowly eased into the
gameplay as various beasties attack you and your crew, and
all indications are that is going to be a pretty impressive
the most part it is. However, scratch the surface and all
is not as wonderful as it at first appears. The biggest problem
is that the player is pretty much spoon-fed the whole way
through the action. You never actually feel as though you
can explore your environment. And after a while the game becomes
a little repetitive - it doesn't take long to tire of shooting
the same beasts.
when you play as Kong, you don't really feel as though you
are controlling the character at all. The first time you get
to control him it's pretty obvious that you are restricted
in your movements. As you leap through the trees and climb
up cliff faces, it's not overly obvious where you are supposed
to go - but, try pushing the control in every direction, and
you'll soon be heading forwards in leaps and bounds.
are plenty of nice graphic backdrops that are pleasing to
the eye. Including a great brontosaurus herd that walks past
your position - although these sections can cause the game
to slow down considerably. But to be honest most of the forest
backdrops are pretty impressive. There are also a few humorous
touches thrown in. Denham's comments can be funny - he cares
more about getting his shots than he does about the lives
of those around him.
this game is a little too easy to complete, and a tad on the
repetitive side, it's still a very impressive movie conversion.
Your heart will race at times, and you will gasp at the graphics.
The fact that you have to ration your bullets is also another
plus point. Those that are used to rushing in, firing randomly
every time the grass moves, won't last long.
the end of the day, this is much more of a hit than a miss.
It's almost the perfect movie conversion... almost.
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