Click here to view by date order


5 Seconds of Summer: Hey, Let's Make a Band! (Hardback)
11th Hour
12th of Never (Hardback)
24: A Day in the Life - The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide
24: Declassified: Operation Hell Gate
24: Declassified: Veto Power
24: The Official Companion - Seasons 1 & 2
24: The Official Companion - Seasons 3 & 4
24: The Official Companion - Season 6
42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams (Hardback)
50 for 50: Celebrating 50 years of the Doctor Who Family
75 Years Going Over the Rainbow: A Brief Guide to Oz
100 Science Fiction Films
100 Years of LGBT Music
500 Wild & Wacky Websites
1984 (Folio Society Hardback)
2001: A Space Odyssey (Folio Society Hardback)
The 2001-2002 Starsearch Directory
2012: A Conspiracy Tale
The 4400: The Official Companion - Seasons 1 & 2
10,000 Zombies (Hardback)



A Brief Guide to C. S. Lewis
A Brief Guide to Stephen King
A Chain Across the Dawn
A City Dreaming (Hardback)
A Conspiracy of Alchemists: The Chronicles of Light and Shadow (Hardback)
A Darkness of Dragons
A Dream of Ice: Book Two of The Earthend Saga
A Feast Unknown
A Field Guide to Fantastical Beasts (Hardback)
A Game of Thrones: The Official Colouring Book
A Glimpse of the Numinous
A History of England in 100 Places - Irreplaceable (Hardback)
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (Hardback)
A Middle-Earth Traveller: Sketches from Bag End to Mordor (Hardback)
A Reaper at the Gates (Hardback)
A Red Sun Also Rises (Hardback)
A Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages (Hardback)
A Snake Lies Waiting
A Teller’s Tales: Memories of James and Willie
A Torch Against the Night (Hardback)
A.C. 2084 (Hardback)
Absinthe & Arsenic
Acolytes of Cthulhu: Short Stories Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft
Across the Void (Hardback)
Across the Wall
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
The Adventures of Hillary the Little Ladybug: Hide and Seek
The Adventures of Kumakawa: Book 1 - Today It's Karate
The Adventures of Kumakawa: Book 2 - Today It's Ballet
The Adventures of Kumakawa: Book 3 - Today He's Australian
After America
After the Flood (Hardback)
The Age of Em
Age of Iron
Age of the Twilight: Ascension
Akira Club (Hardback)
The Alchemyst: The Secret of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Alex Cross, Run (Hardback)
The Alfred Hitchcock Story (Hardback)
Alias: Authorized Personnel Only - The Official Top-Secret Files
Alias: Collateral Damage
Alias: Faina
Alias: Two of a Kind?
Alice isn't Dead (Hardback)
Alien: Isolation - The Art of Alien: Isolation (Hardback)
Alien: Out of the Shadows
Alien: River of Pain
Alien: Sea of Sorrows
Alien 3
Alien Vs. Predator: The Creature Effects of ADI
Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem: Inside the Monster Shop
Aliens: Past, Present, Future (Hardback)
Aliens: The Set Photography: Behind the Scenes of James Cameron's 1986 Masterpiece (Hardback)
All About Virtual Reality (Hardback)
All That is Solid
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay (Folio Society Hardback)
The Amazing Book of LEGO Star Wars (Hardback)
Amazona: The Art of Chris Achilléos
An Ancient Peace (Peacekeeper: Book 1)
An Easy Death
An Emporium of Automata
Andy Abraham: Remember When... (CD & Book)
Angel: Book of the Dead
Angel: Bruja
Angel: The Casefiles Volume 1
Angel: Dark Mirror
Angel: Endangered Species
Angel: Endangered Species (Hardback)
Angel: Fearless
Angel: Impressions
Angel: The Longest Night - Vol 1
Angel: Love and Death
Angel: Monolith
Angel: Nemesis
Angel: Sanctuary
Angel: Solitary Man
Angel: Stranger to the Sun
Angel: Vengeance
Angel Road
Angel of Vengeance
Angels of Vengeance
Animals of the Exodus
The Anime Encyclopedia: Revised & Expanded Edition
Annihilation (Hardback)
Anno Dracula
Anno Dracula: The Bloody Red Baron
The Anomaly
The Anomaly (Hardback)
Another Santana Morning
Another War
Ape-Man: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to 100 Years of Tarzan
Approaching Omega
The Architect
The Archon
Are You a Geek?
The Arrivals
Arrow: Oliver Queen's Dossier
The Art of Assassin's Creed Unity (Hardback)
The Art of The Batman (Hardback)
The Art of Drew Struzan (Hardback)
The Art of the Film Poster: Selling the Movie (Hardback)
Art for the Players: The Official Colouring Book from Playstation
The Art of Hammer: Posters from the Archive of Hammer Films (Hardback)
The Art of Horror Movies (Hardback)
The Art of How to Train Your Dragon (Hardback)
The Art of the Lord of the Rings (Hardback) (2023 Reissue)
The Art of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien (Hardback)
The Art and Making of Hannibal: The Television Series
The Art of Stephen Hickman (Hardback)
The Art of Superman Returns (Hardback)
Art-House Video (Cult Film Confidential Vol 2)
Art-House Video Revisited (Cult-Film Confidential Vol 3)
Arthur Conan Doyle: Gothic Tales
Ashes of a Black Frost
Ashes of the Sun (Hardback)
Ashley Bell: The Girl Who Said No to Death (Hardback)
Assassin's Creed: The Official Colouring Book
Assassin's Creed: The Official Movie Tie-in
Assassin's Creed Unity: Abstergo Entertainment: Employee Handbook (Hardback)
Assassin's Creed Unity, The Art of... (Hardback)
Assassin's Fate
Assassin's Fate (Hardback)
Assigned! The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Sapphire & Steel
Atlas' Revenge: Another Mad Myth Mystery
Authority (Hardback)
Automatic Safe Dog
The Avengers: A Celebration - 50 Years of a Television Classic (Hardback)
The Avengers: Bowler Hats and Kinky Boots
The Avengers: The Strange Case of the Missing Episodes - The Lost Stories of Series 1
The Avengers: The Ultimate Guide to Earth's Mightiest Heroes! (Hardback)
The Avengers: With Umbrella, Scotch and Cigarettes
The Avengers Vault (Hardback)
AVP: Alien Vs. Predator: The Creature Effects of ADI
AVP: Requiem: Inside the Monster Shop
Awakened (Hardback)
The Aylesford Skull



Back to the Vortex: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2005
Bad Bones
Ball Lightning
Ball Lightning (Hardback)
The Ballad of Sir Benfro: The Broken World
Banquet for the Damned
Banquet for the Damned (2014)
Barren (Hardback)
The Barry Newbery Signature Collection (Paperback)
Batman: Arkham City: Signature Series Guide
Batman: Arkham Origins: Signature Series Guide
The Batman: The Art of The Batman (Hardback)
Batman Begins: Movie Novelisation
Batman: Cover to Cover - The Greatest Comic Book Covers of the Dark Knight
Batman: The Dark Knight: Movie Novelisation
Batman: The Essential Batman Encyclopedia
Batman: Gotham Knight
The Batman LEGO Movie: The Essential Guide (Hardback)
The Batman LEGO Movie: Rise of the Rogues (Level 2) (Hardback)
The Batman LEGO Movie: Team Batman (Level 1) (Hardback)
The Batman LEGO Movie: Ultimate Sticker Collection
Battle Milk 2: Tangents and Transitions in Concept Art
Battlestar Galactica: By Your Command: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Battlestar Galactica: Volume 1 - The Original Series and Galactica 1980
Battlestar Galactica: By Your Command: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Battlestar Galactica: Volume 2 - The Reimagined Series
Battlestar Galactica: The Official Companion - Season 1
Battlestar Galactica: The Official Companion - Season 2
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Beautiful Monsters: The Unofficial and Unauthorised guide to the Alien and Predator Films
Become the Force: 9 Lessons on How to Live as a Jedi Master
Behind the Mask of the Horror Actor
Being Human: Bad Blood
Being Human: Chasers
Being Human: The Road
Beneath London
Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, together with Sellic Spell
Beren and Lúthien
Bernice Summerfield: Adorable Illusion
Bernice Summerfield: Collected Works
Bernice Summerfield: Filthy Lucre
Bernice Summerfield: Genius Loci
Bernice Summerfield: Missing Adventures
Bernice Summerfield: Nobody's Children
Bernice Summerfield: Old Friends
Bernice Summerfield: Present Danger
Bernice Summerfield: Secret Histories
Bernice Summerfield: The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis
Bernice Summerfield: True Stories
Bernice Summerfield: The Two Jasons
Bernice Summerfield: The Vampire Curse
Bernice Summerfield: The Weather on Versimmon
(see also Professor Bernice Summerfield)
Beyond the Gate: The Unofficial Guide to Stargate: SG-1
Beyond Time: Classic Tales of Time Unwound
Binding Energy
Bioshock: Infinite: Signature Series Guide
Bioshock: Rapture
The Bitter Twins
Black Swan Rising
Black Tide
Black Wings of Cthulhu
Black Wings of Cthulhu 2
Black Wings of Cthulhu 3
Blackwood Farm - The Vampire Chronicles
Blade Runner: Philosophy and Blade Runner
Blade Runners, Deer Hunters and Blowing the Bloody Doors Off: My Life in Cult Movies (Hardback)
Blake's 7: The Merchandise Guide
A Blazing World: The Unofficial Companion to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Vol 2
Blind Swimmer
Blood 20: Tales of Vampire Horror
Blood of an Exile
Blood Canticle - The Vampire Chronicles
Blood of Dragons
Bloodchild (Hardback)
The Bloodprint
The Bloodprint (Hardback)
Bloody War
Blue Shift
Blueprint for a Battlestar (Hardback)
Bob's Blue Period (Hardback)
The Book Eaters
The Book of Life (Hardback)
The Book of M
The Book of M (Hardback)
The Book of Swords (Hardback)
The Book of Three: The Official Companion to Charmed
Bourne (Hardback)
Bowler Hats and Kinky Boots: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to The Avengers
The Brahan Seer: The Story of Scotland's Nostradamus
Breaking Bad FAQ
Broken Crowns
Broken Monsters
Broken Monsters (Hardback)
Bryony: Harnessing the Power
Broken Stars (Hardback)
Buffy/Angel: Cursed
Buffy/Angel: Heat
Buffy/Angel: Monster Island
Buffy/Angel: Monster Island (Hardback)
Buffy/Angel: Seven Crows
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Afterimage
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Apocalypse Memories
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bad Bargain
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Blackout
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Blood and Fog
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Carnival of Souls
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chosen - The One
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Cordelia Collection - Vol 1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Creatures of Habit
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Crossings
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Dark Congress
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Deathless
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Encyclopedia (Hardback)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Go Ask Malice - A Slayer's Diary
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Joss Whedon: The Genius Behind Buffy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Little Things
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Lost Slayer Omnibus
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Mortal Fear
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Oz - Into the Wild
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Portal Through Time
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Queen of Slayers
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Quotable Slayer
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Quotable Slayer (Hardback)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Script Book - Season 2, Vol 3
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Script Book - Season 2, Vol 4
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Script Book - Season 3, Vol 1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Script Book - Season 3, Vol 2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spark and Burn
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike & Dru - Pretty Maids all in a Row
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Stake Your Destiny - Colony
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Stake Your Destiny - Keep me in Mind
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Stake Your Destiny - Night Terrors
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Stake Your Destiny - The Suicide King
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Slayer - Vol 1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Slayer - Vol 2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Slayer - Vol 3
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: These Our Actors
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher's Guide - Volume 3
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Wicked Willow - Book 1: The Darkening
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Wicked Willow - Book 2: Shattered Twilight
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Wicked Willow - Book 3: Broken Sunrise
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Wisdom of War
Buffy the Vampire Slayer FAQ
Build Your Own Gaming PC (Hardback)
The Burning Dark
Burning Skies
By Force Alone (Hardback)
By Force of Arms
By Your Command: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Battlestar Galactica: Volume 1 - The Original Series and Galactica 1980
By Your Command: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Battlestar Galactica: Volume 2 - The Reimagined Series



C. S. Lewis: A Brief Guide to...
Cabaret FAQ
Cage of Souls (Hardback)
California (Hardback)
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories (Folio Society Hardback)
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Signature Series Guide
Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Signature Series Guide
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Signature Series Guide
Cape Wrath
Captain Nemo: The Fantastic Adventures of a Dark Genius
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons: Spectrum Agents' Manual
The Capture
Caraval (Hardback)
The Casebook of Newbury and Hobbes
Casino Royale (1967) - The Making of...
Charlotte Markham and the House of Darkling
Charlotte Says
Charmed: Between Worlds
Charmed: The Book of Three - The Official Companion
Charmed: The Brewing Storm
Charmed: Inherit the Witch
Charmed: Luck be a Lady
Charmed: Mist and Stone
Charmed: Mystic Knoll
Charmed: Seasons of the Witch - Vol 1
Charmed: Shadow of the Sphinx
Charmed: Survival of the Fittest
Charmed: Triquetra The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Charmed
Charmed: Truth and Consequences
Children of the 23rd Century: The Secret of the Lost Planet
China Dream (Hardback)
The Chronicles of Siala: Book 2 - Shadow Chaser
The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Eighth Grade Bites
Cinema Alchemist: Designing Star Wars & Alien (Hardback)
The Citadel of Chaos
The City (Hardback)
City of Bones
The City of Brass (Hardback)
City of Glass
Clariel (Hardback)
Cleanin' Up the Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (Hardback)
Clerks II: The Screenplay
Clive Barker's Dark Worlds (Hardback)
The Clone Rebellion: Book 1 - Republic
The Clone Rebellion: Book 2 - Rogue
The Clone Rebellion: Book 10 - Apocalypse
The Cold Between - A Central Corps Novel
Coldmaker (Hardback)
Cold March
The Collegium Chronicles: Book I - Foundation
The Collegium Chronicles: Book II - Intrigues
Collegium Chronicles: Book III - Changes
Collegium Chronicles: Book IV - Redoubt
Comic Book Encyclopedia
The Comic Strip Companion: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who in Comics: 1964-1979 (Paperback)
Comics Creators on Fantastic Four
Comics Creators on Spider-Man
Comics Creators on X-Men
The Company of the Dead
The Complete History of The Return of the Living Dead
The Complete Making of Indiana Jones (Hardback)
Confessions of a Gentleman Arachnid
Constantine Movie Novelisation
Copa90: Our World Cup - A Fans' Guide to 2018
The Copper Promise
Coraline: A Visual Companion (Hardback)
The Core
The Core (Hardback)
Corpse Bride: An Invitation to the Wedding
Cosplay: The Fantasy World of Role Play
Counterfeit Worlds: Philip K. Dick on Film
Counting Down Elvis: His 100 Finest Songs (Hardback)
Counting Down The Rolling Stones: Their 100 Finest Songs (Hardback)
The Court of the Air (Hardback)
The Court of Broken Knives
The Court of Broken Knives (Hardback)
Cracks in Time: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2010
Creation Stories: Riots, Raves and Running a Label (Hardback)
Crimson Death: An Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Novel (Hardback)
Crossfaded in Narnia
The Crow: The Story Behind the Film
The Cruel Prince (Hardback)
The Cruel Stars (Hardback)
The Crying Machine (Hardback)
Crysis: Legion
Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th (Hardback)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Binding Ties
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Companion
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Grave Matters
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Killing Game
CSI: Miami: Florida Getaway
CSI: Miami: Harm for the Holidays: Misgivings
CSI: Miami: Heat Wave
CSI: New York: Blood on the Sun
CSI: New York: Dead of Winter
CSI: New York: Deluge
Cthulhu and Other Monsters
Currents of Space
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Wallace & Gromit), The Art of



Daddy's Girl: The Autobiography of Deborah Watling
Dæmos Rising
Dalek Empire: The Scripts
Dalek Survival Guide
Dangerous Women: Part I
Dangerous Women: Part II
Dangerous Women: Part III
Daniel X: Watch the Skies
Darien: Empire of Salt (Hardback)
Dark Angel: Before the Dawn
Dark Angel: Skin Game
The Dark Between the Stars
The Dark Knight: Movie Novelisation
Dark Made Dawn
The Dark Nest (Hardback)
The Dark Net
Dark Rain (Hardback)
Darkdawn (Hardback)
The Darkest of Nights
Darksoul (Hardback)
Darth Paper Strikes Back: An Origami Yoda Book
The Darwin Elevator
Dave vs. the Monsters: Ascendance
Dave vs. The Monsters: Emergence
Dave vs. the Monsters: Resistance
David Bowie Made Me Gay: 100 Years of LGBT Music
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm
A Day in the Life: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to 24
The Day Watch
The Day Watch (2008 reprint)
DC Cinematic Universe: A Celebration of DC at the Movies (Hardback)
DC Comics 75th Anniversary Poster Book
DC Super Hero Girls: Power Up! Sticker Activity Book
DC Super Hero Girls: Scribble Book
DC Super Hero Girls: Wonder Woman at Super Hero High
Dead Ice (Hardback)
Dead Letters: An Anthology of the Undelivered,The Missing, The Returned...
Dead Man's Deal
Dead Ringers
Dead Space: Martyr
Death Note: Another Note (Hardback)
Death Note: Volume 13 - How to Read
Death's Dark Wings
Death's Head: Day of the Damned
Deathtrap Dungeon
Deep Blue
Deep Space
Deeply Odd
Defeated Dogs
Defender (Hardback)
Defy the Stars
The Demon Cycle: Book 3 - The Daylight War
Demon Dance
The Deserter
Destination: Moonbase Alpha:
The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Space 1999

Destiny's Conflict (Hardback)
Deus Ex: Icarus Effect
The Devil's Ark
Discworld: Designing Terry Pratchett's Discworld (Hardback)
Discworld: The Folklore of Discworld (Hardback)
Discworld, Science of the
Discworld II, The Science of - The Globe
Discworld II, The Science of - The Globe (Hardback)
Discworld III, The Science of: Darwin's Watch
Discworld III, The Science of: Darwin's Watch (Hardback)
The Divine Madness of Philip K. Dick (Hardback)
The Djinn
Doctor Tripps: Kaiju Cocktail


Doctor Who: The First Doctor

Doctor Who: Byzantium!
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Tiger
Doctor Who: Frayed
Doctor Who: Ten Little Aliens
Doctor Who: Time and Relative
Doctor Who: The Time Travellers


Doctor Who: The Second Doctor

Doctor Who: The Colony of Lies
Doctor Who: Combat Rock
Doctor Who: Dying in the Sun
Doctor Who: Foreign Devils
Doctor Who: The Indestructible Man
Doctor Who: Wonderland
Doctor Who: World Game


Doctor Who: The Third Doctor

Doctor Who: Amorality Tale
Doctor Who: Island of Death
Doctor Who: Nightdreamers
Doctor Who: The Suns of Caresh


Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor

Doctor Who: Asylum
Doctor Who: Drift
Doctor Who: Festival of Death
Doctor Who: Ghost Ship
Doctor Who: Match of the Day
Doctor Who and the Pirate Planet (Paperback)
Doctor Who: Psi-ence Fiction
Doctor Who: Scratchman
Doctor Who: Scratchman (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Scripts
Doctor Who: Wolfsbane


Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor

Doctor Who: Blood and Hope
Doctor Who: Empire of Death
Doctor Who: Fear of the Dark
Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks (Paperback)
Doctor Who: Superior Beings
Doctor Who: Warmonger


Doctor Who: The Sixth Doctor

Doctor Who: Blue Box
Doctor Who: Instruments of Darkness
Doctor Who: Palace of the Red Sun
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Shadow in the Glass
Doctor Who: Shell Shock
Doctor Who: Spiral Scratch
Doctor Who: Synthespians
Time's Champion


Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor

Doctor Who: The Algebra of Ice
Doctor Who: Atom Bomb Blues
Doctor Who: Bullet Time
Doctor Who: Citadel of Dreams
Doctor Who: Companion Piece
Doctor Who: Heritage
Doctor Who: Loving the Alien
Doctor Who: Relative Dementias
Doctor Who: Script Doctor: The Inside Story of Doctor Who 1986-89


Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor

Doctor Who: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street
Doctor Who: Anachrophobia
Doctor Who: The Book of the Still
Doctor Who: Camera Obscura
Doctor Who: Casualties of War
Doctor Who: The City of the Dead
Doctor Who: The Crooked World
Doctor Who: Dark Progeny
Doctor Who: The Deadstone Memorial
Doctor Who: The Domino Effect
Doctor Who: EarthWorld
Doctor Who: Eater of Wasps
Doctor Who: Emotional Chemistry
Doctor Who: Endgame
Doctor Who: Escape Velocity
Doctor Who: The Eye of the Tyger
Doctor Who: Fallen Gods
Doctor Who: Father Time
Doctor Who: Fear Itself
Doctor Who: The Gallifrey Chronicles
Doctor Who: Grimm Reality
Doctor Who: HalfLife
Doctor Who: History 101
Doctor Who: Hope
Doctor Who: The Infinity Race
Doctor Who: The Last Resort
Doctor Who: Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Doctor Who: Reckless Engineering
Doctor Who: Rip Tide
Doctor Who: The Sleep of Reason
Doctor Who: The Slow Empire
Doctor Who: Sometime Never...
Doctor Who: Timeless
Doctor Who: Time Zero
Doctor Who: To the Slaughter
Doctor Who: The Tomorrow Windows
Doctor Who: Trading Futures
Doctor Who: The Turing Test
Doctor Who The TV Movie (Paperback)
Doctor Who: Vanishing Point
Doctor Who: The Year of Intelligent Tigers


Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor

Back to the Vortex: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2005
Doctor Who: The Clockwise Man
Doctor Who: Dalek (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Deviant Strain
Doctor Who: The Inside Story
Doctor Who: The Monsters Inside
Doctor Who: Only Human
Doctor Who: The Shooting Scripts
Doctor Who: The Stealers of Dreams
Doctor Who: Winner Takes All


Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

Doctor Who: Autonomy
Doctor Who: Beautiful Chaos
Doctor Who: Code of the Krillitanes
Doctor Who: The Doctor Trap
Doctor Who: The Eyeless
Doctor Who: The Feast of the Drowned
Doctor Who: Forever Autumn
Doctor Who: Ghosts of India
Doctor Who: I Am a Dalek
Doctor Who: The Inside Story
Doctor Who: Judgement of the Judoon
Doctor Who: The Krillitane Storm
Doctor Who: The Last Dodo
Doctor Who: The Many Hands
Doctor Who: Martha in the Mirror
Doctor Who: Peacemaker
Doctor Who: The Pirate Loop
Doctor Who: Prisoner of the Daleks
Doctor Who: The Resurrection Casket
Doctor Who: Revenge of the Judoon
Second Flight: Back to the Vortex II
Doctor Who: Shining Darkness
Doctor Who: Sick Building
Doctor Who: The Slitheen Excursion
Doctor Who: Snowglobe 7
Doctor Who: The Sontaran Games
Doctor Who: Sting of the Zygons
Doctor Who: The Stone Rose
Doctor Who: The Story of Martha
Doctor Who: The Taking of Chelsea 426
Doctor Who: Wetworld
Doctor Who: Wishing Well
Doctor Who: Wooden Heart
End of Ten: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2009
Monsters Within: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2008
Third Dimension: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2007


Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

Cracks in Time: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2010
Doctor Who: Apollo 23
Doctor Who Borrowed Time (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Forgotten Army
Doctor Who: The Glamour Chase
Doctor Who: The King’s Dragon
Doctor Who: Night of the Humans
Doctor Who: Nuclear Time
Doctor Who: The Triple Knife and Other Doctor Who Stories (Paperback)
River's Run: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2011
Time of the Doctor: The Unofficial Guide to Doctor Who 2012 & 2013


Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

Doctor Who: The Triple Knife and Other Doctor Who Stories (Paperback)


Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor

Doctor Who: At Childhood’s End (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Good Doctor (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Witchfinders (Paperback)


Doctor Who: Miscellaneous

50 for 50: Celebrating 50 years of the Doctor Who Family
The Barry Newbery Signature Collection (Paperback)
The Comic Strip Companion: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who in Comics: 1964-1979 (Paperback)
Dæmos Rising
Doctor Who: Adventures in Lockdown (Paperback)
Doctor Who: Aliens and Enemies
Doctor Who: The Audio Scripts - Volume Four
Doctor Who: The Cabinet of Light
Doctor Who: Character Encyclopedia (Hardback)
Doctor Who: Colouring Book
Doctor Who: Companion and Allies
Doctor Who: Creatures and Demons
Doctor Who: Dalek Combat Training Manual (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Dalek Factor
Doctor Who: Dalek Survival Guide
Doctor Who: The Dangerous Book of Monsters (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Handbook: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to the Production of Doctor Who
Doctor Who: Howe's Transcendental Toybox (Second Edition)
Doctor Who: Howe's Transcendental Toybox: Update No.1 - The Complete Guide to 2003 Merchandise
Doctor Who: Howe's Transcendental Toybox - Update No. 2: The Complete Guide to 2004-2005 Merchandise
Doctor Who: I Am The Master: Legends of the Renegade Time Lord (Hardback)
Doctor Who: Monsters and Villains
Doctor Who: Now We Are Six Hundred (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Ruby's Curse (Hardback)
Doctor Who: Scratchman
Doctor Who: Scratchman (Hardback)
Doctor Who: Short Trips: 2040
Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Centenarian
Doctor Who: Short Trips: A Christmas Treasury
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Dalek Empire
Doctor Who: Short Trips: A Day in the Life
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Defining Patterns
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Destination Prague
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Farewells
Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Ghosts of Christmas
Doctor Who: Short Trips: The History of Christmas
Doctor Who: Short Trips: How the Doctor Changed My Life
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Life Science
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Monsters
Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Muses
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Past Tense
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Repercussions
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Seven Deadly Sins
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Snapshots
Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Solar System
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Time Signature
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Transmissions
Doctor Who: Short Trips: Zodiac
Doctor Who: Starships and Spacestations
Doctor Who: Talkback: Volume 2 - The Seventies
Doctor Who: Talkback: Volume 3 - The Eighties
Doctor Who: The TARDIS Handbook
Doctor Who: The Target Book (2016 Edition) (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Target Book - A History of the Target Doctor Who Books
Doctor Who: The Television Companion
Doctor Who: Time Lord Fairy Tales (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Time Traveller's Almanac
Doctor Who: Timelink: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity - Volume One
Doctor Who: Timelink: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity - Volume Two
Doctor Who: The Ultimate Monster Guide (Hardback)
Doctor Who: Who's Next - An Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who
Doctor Who: Whoniverse (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale - The Final Chapter
Now on the Big Screen: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who at the Movies
Olive Hawthorne and the Daemons of Devil's End
The Raymond P Cusick Signature Collection
Robert Holmes: A Life in Words
The Television Companion: Guide to Doctor Who - Volume One
The Television Companion: Guide to Doctor Who - Volume Two
Timelink: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity - Volume One
Timelink: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity - Volume Two
Unofficial Doctor Who: The Big Book of Lists
Wiped! Doctor Who’s Missing Episodes

Dogs of War
Doom: The Official Movie Novelisation
Dorothy: The Darker Side of Oz
Double Negative: Serendipity Trilogy - Book 1
The Double Shadow
Don't Panic: Douglas Adams and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Hardback)
Don't Panic: Douglas Adams and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (New Edition)
Dr. Tim: Book One
Dragon Age: Asunder
Dragon Age: The Calling
Dragon Age: Last Flight
Dragon Age: The Masked Empire
Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne
The Dragon Republic (Hardback)
Dragonmark (Hardback)
Dreamwalker: The Ballad of Sir Benfro
Dredd Vs Death - The Making of Judge Dredd
Duke Nukem Forever: Official Strategy Guide
Dune: Messiah (Folio Society Hardback)
Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeonology (Hardback)
Dungeons & Dragons: Monsters and Heroes of the Realms Colouring Book



The Ears of a Cat
Earth Inc.
The Echo (Hardback)
Edgar Allan Poe: Stories and Poems (Hardback)
The Edge Chronicles: The Immortals
Eleanor (Hardback)
Elvis: Counting Down Elvis: His 100 Finest Songs (Hardback)
Elysium: The Art of the Film (Hardback)
Emperor of Thorns (Hardback)
Empress of the Fall (Hardback)
Empyrean: The Art of Stephen Hickman (Hardback)
The End of the World?: The Unofficial Guide to Survivors
Endgame: Book 2 - Sky Key (Hardback) - Book review
Entangled (Hardback)
The Ephemera
The Essential Batman Encyclopedia
The Essential Superman Encyclopedia
ET: The Book of the Green Planet
ET: From Concept to Classic
ET: Movie Novelisation
The Eternal Kingdom
Eve: Source (Hardback)
Evolving the Alien
The Executioner's Heart
The Exodus Towers
Exodyssey: Visual Development of an Epic Adventure by Steambot Studios
The Exorcist (Folio Society Hardback)
Exorcist: The Beginning
Experiments at 3 Billion A.M.
The Explorer
Extinct (Extracted Book 3)
The Eyes of a King


The Falcon Throne (Hardback)
The Fall of Arthur
Fall or, Dodge in Hell (Hardback)
Fall Out: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to The Prisoner
Fallen Angel
The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy (Hardback)
Fantastic 4: The Making of the Movie
Fantastic 4: The Official Movie Novelisation
Fantastic Four: War Zone
Fantastic TV: 50 Years of Cult Fantasy and Science Fiction
Fantastical Beasts to Colour
Farscape: The Illustrated Season 2 Companion
Farscape: The Illustrated Season 3 Companion
Farscape: The Illustrated Season 4 Companion
Feather: Tales of Isolation and Descent
Fighting Fantasy: Book 1 - The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Fighting Fantasy: Book 2 - The Citadel of Chaos
Fighting Fantasy: Book 3 - Deathtrap Dungeon
Fighting Fantasy: Book 4 - Stormslayer
Fighting Fantasy: Book 7 - Bloodbones
The Fire Sermon (Hardback)
Fighting Fantasy: Book 8 - Night of the Necromancer
Film Noir: Light and Shadow
Film Noir Prototypes: Origins of the Movement
Firefly: The Official Companion - Volume One
Firefly: The Official Companion - Volume Two
The Firmament of Flame (Hardback)
The First Men in the Moon (Oxford World's Classics)
Flesh and Blood
The Flicker Men
Fog Season
The Folio Science Fiction Anthology (Folio Society Hardback)
The Folklore of Discworld (Hardback)
Follow Me: A Quest in Two Worlds
Fool's Assassin
Fool's Assassin (Hardback)
Fool's Quest (Hardback)
Force Majeure
The Forever Ship (Hardback)
The Forgotten Self
Forward the Foundation
Found Footage: The Autobiography of Joe Kane
Four-Sided Triangle
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Saga: Book 1 - The Adversary (Hardback)
Frankenstein: The First Two Hundred Years (Hardback)
Frankenstein: The Science Behind Making the Monster (Hardback)
Frankenstein or `The Modern Prometheus': The 1818 Text (Hardback)
Frazer Hines: Hines Sight (Hardback)
The Frequency Effect
Friday the 13th: Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th (Hardback)
Frightfest Guide: Ghost Movies
Fringe: The Burning Man
Fringe: Sins of the Father
Fringe: The Zodiac Paradox
From the Dust Returned
From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley
Frozen Charlotte
Fugitive Six
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Ectoplasmic Man
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Man from Hell
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Scroll of the Dead
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Séance for a Vampire
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Seventh Bullet
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Stalwart Companions
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Veiled Detective
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The War of the Worlds
The Future of the Mind


Game On!: The 50 Greatest Video Games of All Time
Game of Thrones: Colouring Book
A Game of Thrones: The Official Colouring Book
Game of Thrones: Moleskine - Plain Notebook (Hardback)
Game of Thrones: Valar Morghulis - Ruled Journal (Hardback)
Game of Thrones: The World of Fire & Ice (Hardback)
The Games
Gauntlet (Hardback)
The Geeky Chef Drinks
The Geeky Chef Strikes Back (Hardback)
Gemini Force: Book 1 - Ghost Mine
Ghost Whisperer: Spirit Guide
Ghostbusters: Cleanin' Up the Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (Hardback)
Ghostbusters Ectomobile: Owner's Workshop Manual (Hardback)
Ghosts of War
The Gilded Ones
The Glass Breaks
The Glass Breaks (Hardback)
Glass Thorns: Elsewhens
Glass Thorns: Touchstone
God of War
Godblind (Hardback)
The Goddess of Buttercups and Daisies
Gods of Jade and Shadow (Hardback)
The Gods of Love
Godsgrave (Hardback)
Godzilla: The Official Movie Novelization
Godzilla FAQ
Golden Age: The Shifting Tides - Book I
The Good People
The Golden Cage
The Gone World
Gormiti: The Lords of Nature Return!: Meet the Heroes in 3D
Gormiti: The Lords of Nature Return!: Sticker Activity Book
Gothic Tales (Arthur Conan Doyle)
Grand Theft Auto IV: Official Strategy Guide
Grand Theft Auto V: Limited Edition Strategy Guide (Hardback)
The Great Bazaar & Brayan's Gold
The Great Bazaar and Bryan's Gold (Hardback)
The Great Eastern (Hardback)
The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made
Grey Sister (Hardback)
Growing Things and Other Stories
Guardian Angel
Guilty Wives (Hardback)



H.P. Lovecraft: The Classic Horror Stories
Hadon of Ancient Opar
Half a King
Half a War (Hardback)
Half a War
Half the World (Hardback)
Halo: Broken Circle
Halo: The Essential Visual Guide (Hardback)
Halo Encyclopedia (Expanded to Include Halo Reach) (Hardback)
Halo Reach: Signature Series Guide
Hannibal: The Art and Making of Hannibal: The Television Series
Harm (Hardback)
Harrison Squared
Harry Potter: Journey to Hogwarts - Pop-up Book (Hardback)
Harryhausen: The Lost Movies (Hardback)
Hateful Heart
The Haunted Library: Classic Ghost Stories
The Haunting
Have Sword Will Travel
The Hawley Book of the Dead
The Hawley Book of the Dead (Hardback)
Hear the Roar!: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to the Hit 1980s Series ThunderCats
Heart of Black Ice (Hardback)
Hearts of Ice
Hellboy: The Bones of Giants
Hellboy: The Bones of Giants (Paperback)
Hellboy: The Lost Army
Hellboy: Movie Novelisation
Hellboy: Odd Jobs
Hellboy: Odder Jobs
The Hellraiser Chronicles
Her Majesty's Royal Coven
The Heretic
Heroes: Saving Charlie
Heroes: Saving Charlie (Hardback)
Heroes & Monsters: The Unofficial Companion to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Heroes of Olympus: Book 4 - The House of Hades (Hardback)
Heroes of the Valley (Hardback)
The Hesperian Trilogy: Book I - Clash of Eagles
Hex (Hardback)
The High Ground
His Dark Materials, The Science of Philip Pullman's
The History of Science Fiction
Hitchcock: The Alfred Hitchcock Story (Hardback)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Don't panic: Douglas Adams
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: Chronicles - Creatures & Characters (Hardback)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Official Movie Guide
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Visual Companion (Hardback)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - Chronicles: Cloaks & Daggers (Hardback)
The Hobbit Encyclopedia (Hardback)
The Hobbit Motion Picture Trilogy: Location Guidebook
The Holy Moly! Rules of Modern Life
Holy Sister (Hardback)
Hollow Kingdom (Hardback)
Hope and Red
Horror: A Literary History (Hardback)
Horror Stories: Classic Tales from Hoffmann to Hodgson
Houdini's Last Illusion
The House of Sacrifice (Hardback)
House of Silence (Hardback)
How Comics Work
How to Draw & Sell Comic Strips
How to Keep a Werewolf and Other Exotic Pets Which May or May Not A) Exist or B) Eat You (Hardback)
How Star Wars Conquered the Universe (Hardback)
Howe's Transcendental Toybox (Second Edition)
Howe's Transcendental Toybox: Update No.1 - The Complete Guide to 2003 Doctor Who Merchandise
Howe's Transcendental Toybox - Update No. 2: The Complete Guide to 2004-2005 Doctor Who Merchandise
How UFOs Conquered the World: The History of a Modern Myth (Hardback)
Hulk (Telos Movie Classics)
The Human Abstract
Human Species and Beyond
Humpty's Bones
Hunky Dory (Who Knew?) (Hardback)
The Hunt (Andrew Fukuda)
The Hunt (Tim J. Lebbon)
Hunt You Down
Hunted (Hardback)
Hunted: The Unofficial Guide to Supernatural Seasons 1-3



I Am Legend (Folio Society Hardback)
I, Robot (Folio Society Hardback)
I Carried a Watermelon: Dirty Dancing and Me (Hardback)
I Want My Sledge! (Book & DVD)
Icons: The DC Comics and Wildstorm Art of Jim Lee (Hardback)
If I Don't Come Home: Letters From D-Day - The Bannerman Letter
If I Have to be Haunted (Hardback)
The Illiterate Ghost
The Illmoor Chronicles: The Ratastrophe Catastrophe
The Illmoor Chronicles: The Yowler Foul-up
Imago: The Fantasy Art of Jim Burns
Imperial Spy
The Impossible has Happened: The Life and Work of Gene Roddenberry Creator of Star Trek
The Impossible has Happened: The Life and Work of Gene Roddenberry Creator of Star Trek (Hardback)
In Evil Times
In the Forest Fey (Hardback)
In Great Waters (Hardback)
In the Night Wood (Hardback)
Indiana Jones: The Complete Making of Indiana Jones (Hardback)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Movie Novelisation
The Infernal City - An Elder Scrolls Novel
The Infinity Files
The Ingenious
The Inheritance (Hardback)
The Inheritance Cycle (Hardback)
Innocence (Hardback)
Inside the Hub: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Torchwood Series One
The Invisible Detective: Shadow Beast
The Invisible Man (Oxford World's Classics)
The Iron Ghost
Iron Man: The Official Movie Novelisation
Iron Man: Virus
Iron Man 2: The Art of the Movie (Hardback)
Irreplaceable: A History of England in 100 Places (Hardback)
The Island of Doctor Moreau (Oxford World's Classics)
The Island of Doctor Moreau & The Time Machine (Folio Society Hardback)
The Islands of Chaldea (Hardback)
Isolation: The Horror Anthology
It Lives Again!: Horror Movies in the New Millennium (Hardback)


J. R. R. Tolkien: The Maps of Middle-Earth (Hardback)
Jack the Ripper FAQ: All That's Left to Know About the Infamous Serial Killer
Jackie Chan: The Essential Companion - Volume 2
Jaded Jewel
JAG in Space: A Just Determination
JAG in Space: Burden of Proof
Jewel and Thorn
The Jinx Chronicles: Book 1 - Jinx Town
The Jinx Chronicles: Book 2 - Jinx Magic
Joe Simon: My Life in Comics (Hardback)
John Dies at the End
Joss Whedon: Geek King of the Universe - A Biography (Hardback)
Joss Whedon: The Genius Behind Buffy
Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs Judge Dredd, The Making of
Judgment Road
The Jvlian Paradox (Hardback)



Kat on a Hot Tin Airship
Kate Bush: Running Up That Hill: 50 Visions of Kate Bush (Hardback)
Katy Brand: I Carried a Watermelon: Dirty Dancing and Me (Hardback)
Kill File
Killing Pretty
Kincaid: A Paranormal Casebook
King of Hell
King Kong: The Island of the Skull
King Kong: Kong Unbound
The Making of King Kong: The Official Guide to the Motion Picture
King Kong: The Official Movie Novelisation
King Kong: The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island (Hardback)
King of all the Dead
King of Thorns
King Without an Empire
The King Without a Kingdom (Hardback)
The Kingdom of Copper (Hardback)
Kingdom of Heaven
Kingdom of Souls (Hardback)
Kingston to Cable
Knaves Over Queens (Hardback)
Koko Takes a Holiday
Kung Fu Panda: The Art of Kung Fu Panda (Hardback)



L.A. Noire: Signature Series Guide
Lady of Shadows
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life - movie novelisation
The Last Reef and Other Stories
The Last Watch
A Blazing World: The Unofficial Companion to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Vol 2
Heroes & Monsters: The Unofficial Companion to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The League of Gentlemen: Scripts and That
The Left Hand of Darkness (Folio Society Hardback)
Legends of the Condor Heroes: Book I: A Hero Born
Legends of the Condor Heroes: Book 2 - A Bond Undone
LEGO: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know (Hardback)
LEGO The Batman Movie: The Essential Guide (Hardback)
The LEGO Batman Movie: Rise of the Rogues (Level 2) (Hardback)
The LEGO Batman Movie: Team Batman (Level 1) (Hardback)
LEGO The Batman Movie: Ultimate Sticker Collection
The LEGO Movie 2: Awesome Heroes (Hardback)
The LEGO Movie 2: The Awesomest Movie Guide (Hardback)
The LEGO Movie 2: Emmet to the Rescue (Hardback)
The LEGO Movie 2: Ultimate Sticker Collection
LEGO: The Ninjago Movie: The Essential Guide (Hardback)
LEGO: The Ninjago Movie: The Making of the Movie (Hardback)
LEGO: The Ninjago Movie: Ultimate Sticker Collection
LEGO Star Wars: The Amazing Book of LEGO Star Wars (Hardback)
LEGO Star Wars: Brickmaster - Battle for the Stolen Crystals (Hardback)
LEGO Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia (Hardback)
LEGO Star Wars: Ideas Book (Hardback)
LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles (Hardback)
Leonard: My Fifty-Year Friendship with a Remarkable Man (Hardback)
Let Sleeping Dragons Lie
The Liar's Key
The Liar's Key (Hardback)
Liberation: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Blake's 7
The Life to Come
Life on Mars: The Official Companion (Hardback)
Life's Lottery
The Lighthouse
Lightwatch Chronicles: Book 1 - The Guardians
The Lily and the Lion
The Lily and the Lion (Hardback)
Listen Out Loud: A Life in Music-Managing McCartney, Madonna, and Michael Jackson
Little Did You Know: The Confessions of David McGillivray (Hardback)
The Living Dead (Hardback)
The Locksley Exploit
Lockwood & Co.: The Whispering Skull (Hardback)
London Falling
London Under Midnight
The Long Take
Lord Kelvin's Machine
The Lord of the Rings: The Art of the Lord of the Rings (Hardback)
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien - The Art of... (Hardback)
Lord of Secrets
Lord of Souls: An Elder Scrolls Novel
Lord of the Trees
Lord Tyger
Lost Acre (Hardback)
The Lost City
The Lost Colony (Hardback)
The Lost Fleet: Book 1 - Dauntless
The Lost Fleet: Book 2 - Fearless
The Lost Fleet: Book 3 - Courageous
The Lost Fleet: Book 4 - Valiant
The Lost Fleet: Book 5 - Relentless
The Lost Fleet: Book 6 - Victorious
Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier - Dreadnaught
The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier - Book 3 - Guardian
Lost Mars: The Golden Age of the Red Planet
The Lost Puzzler
Lost in a Pyramid & Other Classic Mummy Stories
The Lost Stars: Book 2 - The Perilous Shield
The Lost Stars: Book 3 - Imperfect Sword
Love Bites
The Love Delusion
Low Chicago (Hardback)



Mack Dunstan's Inferno
The Madman's Daughter
The Madness of Cthulhu
The Mage Storms
Magic: The Gathering: The Official Cookbook (Hardback)
Magic: The Gathering: Rise of the Gatewatch - A Visual History (Hardback)
Magisterium: Book 1 - The Iron Trial
Magisterium: Book 1 - The Iron Trial (Hardback)
Magisterium: Book 2 - The Copper Gauntlet
The Making of Casino Royale (1967)
Making the Monster: The Science Behind Frankenstein (Hardback)
The Making of Planet of the Apes (Hardback)
The Malice
Malice (Hardback)
Man of Steel: Inside the Legendary World of Superman (Hardback)
Man of Steel: The Official Movie Novelization
The Man Who Murdered His Muse (Hardback)
A Manhattan Ghost Story
The Manitou: 25th Anniversary Edition
The Map of Bones (Hardback)
Map's Edge
Marshal Law: Origins
Martian Blood
Martin Martin's on the Other Side
Marvel: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know (Hardback)
Marvel: Avengers: The Greatest Heroes
Marvel: Good Versus Evil - Ultimate Sticker Collection
Marvel: Year by Year: A Visual History - Updated and Expanded (Hardback)
Master of Furies
Masters of Fantasy: Volume III (CD Rom)
Masters of Midnight!: Interviews With Cult Auteurs (Vol 1)
Masters of Science Fiction and Fantasy Art
Maximum Ride: The Final Warning (Hardback)
The Measurements of Decay
Mel Brooks FAQ
Memory of Water
Memory of Water (Hardback)
Men in Black II: Movie Novelisation
Men in Black II: Inside Men In Black II
Menace of the Machine: The Rise of AI in Classic Science Fiction
Menace of the Monster: Classic Tales of Creatures from Beyond
Messenger's Legacy
Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar
Middle-Earth Envisioned (Hardback)
Midkemia: The Chronicles of Pug (Hardback)
Midnight Crossroad (Hardback)
Minecraft: Official Cookbook (Hardback)
Mirrored Heavens
Mississippi Roll (Hardback)
Mongrels (Hardback)
Monsters Within: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2008
Moonrise: The Golden Age of Lunar Adventures
More Than Life Itself
Mort (Folio Society Hardback)
Movie Star Chronicles: A Visual History of the World's Greatest Movie Stars (Hardback)
Mr. Robot: Red Wheelbarrow - eps1.91_redwheelbarr0w.txt (Hardback)
Multiverses: An Anthology of Alternate Realities
Music and Malice in Hurricane Town
My Boring-Ass Life: The Uncomfortably Candid Diary of Kevin Smith
My Chemical Romance: The Definitive Biography
Mystery of Everyman's Way
Mythology: The DC Comics Art of Alex Ross
Mythology: The DC Comics Art of Alex Ross (Hardback)



The Nargun and the Stars
Naruto: The Official Fanbook
Near Enemy
Near Enemy (Hardback)
Nevernight (Hardback)
New Fears: New Horror Stories by Masters of the Genre
A New Treatise on a Small Blue Planet
Night Fighters
Night of the Damned
Night of the Living Trekkies
The Night Watch
Nightflyers and Other Stories (Hardback)
Nightflyers and Other Stories
Nights of Blood Wine
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Folio Society Hardback)
The Ninth Rain
No Cameras Allowed (Hardback)
No Harm Can Come to A Good Man (Hardback)
No Hero
Nyxia (Hardback)



The Obsidian Throne
The Oculi Incident
Odd and the Frost Giants (Hardback)
Odin's Voice
Of Bone and Thunder
Oh Pure and Radiant Heart
Old Venus
Olive Hawthorne and the Daemons of Devil's End
Once and Future Cities
The Once and Future Moon
One Direction: Who We Are - Our Autobiography (Hardback)
The One and the Golden Circle
The Ordinary
Orizon: The Flame of the White Sun
Our Child of the Stars (Hardback)
Out of the Forests: The Art of Paul Bonner (Hardback)
The Oz Suite



Pacific Rim: Man, Machines & Monsters (Hardback)
Pacific Rim: The Official Movie Novelization
Paint This Town Red
The Painted Man (Hardback)
Paraworld Zero
Parish Damned
The Park Family: Mairi: Retribution
Past Tense
Paul Darrow: You're Him, Aren't You? - An Autobiography
Paul Stanley: Face the Music - A Life Exposed (Hardback)
Peacekeeper: Book 1 - An Ancient Peace
Pendragon: Rivers of Zadaa
The Pendragon Protocol
People Suck
Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods (Hardback)
Peter & Max: A Fables Novel (Hardback)
The Phantom of the Movies’ Videoscope (Magazine)
The Science of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials
The Philosopher at the End of the Universe
The Philosopher Kings
Philosophy and Blade Runner
The Philosophy of Spider-Man (Hardback)
Pirate Cinema
Plague Nation (An Ashley Parker Novel)
Plague Town (An Ashley Parker Novel)
Planet of the Apes (Folio Society Hardback)
Planet of the Apes: The Making of Planet of the Apes (Hardback)
The Planet Suite
The Poison Song
The Poppy War
The Poppy War (Hardback)
The Praxis: Book One of Dread Empire's Fall
Pretty Young Things
The Prey
Priest of Lies (Hardback)
Primeval: Extinction Event
Primeval: Extinction Event (Hardback)
Primeval: Fire and Water (Hardback)
Primeval: The Lost Island (Hardback)
Primeval: Shadow of the Jaguar (Hardback)
Prince of Fools
Prince of Fools (Hardback)
The Prisoner: Fall Out: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide
The Prisoner: The Village Files
Professor Bernice Summerfield: The Big Hunt
Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Infernal Nexus
Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Glass Prison
Professor Bernice Summerfield: Life During Wartime
Professor Bernice Summerfield: A Life in Pieces
Professor Bernice Summerfield: A Life of Surprises
Professor Bernice Summerfield: A Life Worth Living
Professor Bernice Summerfield: Parallel Lives
Professor Bernice Summerfield: Something Changed
Professor Bernice Summerfield: The Tree of Life
(see also Bernice Summerfield)
Project Jackalope (Hardback)
Pulp Fiction: The Story of Quentin Tarantino's Masterpiece (Hardback)



The Queen of Nothing (Hardback)
The Queens of Innis Lear (Hardback)
The Queens of Innis Lear
The Question Mark
Quiet Pine Trees (Hardback)
The Quorum
The Quotable Negan (Hardback)



Radicalized (Hardback)
Radio Times Guide to Films 2009
Radio Times Guide to Science Fiction
Raging Storm
The Rapture of the Nerds
The Ratastrophe Catastrophe, The Ilmoor Chronicles
The Raymond P Cusick Signature Collection
Rebecca Newton and the War of the Gods
Red Dragon
Red Hill
Red Moon (Hardback)
Red Sister (Hardback)
The Redemption of Time (Hardback)
The Reef
The Regional Office is Under Attack
The Release
The Renegade Wizard
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Resident Evil: Genesis
Resident Evil 6: Signature Series Guide
Resonance & Revolt
The Return of the Living Dead: The Complete History of...
Return to Zero
Return to Zero (Hardback)
The Rhymer: An Heredyssey
Rick and Morty: The Science of Rick and Morty: An Unofficial Guide
The Riddles of the Hobbit (Hardback)
The Ridgewalkers: When Legend Becomes an Encounter
The Rift Coda: Book Three of the Rift Uprising Trilogy
The Ring Companion
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. (Hardback)
The Rise of Nine (Young Adult Edition) (Hardback)
River of Stars
River of Stars (Hardback)
Road Brothers: More Tales from the Broken Empire (Hardback)
Robert Holmes: A Life in Words
Robot Uprisings
Rocky Horror: Still the Beast is Feeding: Forty Years of Rocky Horror
Rod: The Autobiography (Hardback)
The Rolling Stones: Counting Down - Their 100 Finest Songs (Hardback)
Rough Justice: The DC Comics Sketches of Alex Ross (Hardback)
Rules of Duel
Runescape: Betrayal at Falador
Runescape: Return to Canifis
Running Up That Hill: 50 Visions of Kate Bush (Hardback)
Rustblind and Silverbright



Sabrina: The Teenage Witch: Christmas Crisis
Sabrina: the Teenage Witch: Hounded by Baskervilles
Sabrina: The Teenage Witch: Now and Again
Sabrina: The Teenage Witch: Off to see the Wizard
Sabrina: The Teenage Witch: The Truth Hurts
Sabrina: The Teenage Witch: Witch Glitch
Sabrina: The Teenage Witch: What a Doll
Saint Odd
Saint Odd (Hardback)
Sam Kills Christmas (Hardback)
Sandman Slim: Book 1 - Sandman Slim
Sandman Slim: Book 2 - Kill the Dead
Sandman Slim: Book 3 - Aloha From Hell
Sandman Slim: Book 4 - Devil Said Bang
Sandman Slim: Book 5 - Kill City Blues
Sandman Slim: Book 5 - Kill City Blues (Hardback)
Santa: My Life & Times: An Illustrated Autobiography (Hardback)
Sapphire & Steel: Assigned! The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide
Schoolgirl Milky Crisis: Adventures in the Anime and Manga Trade
Sci-Fi Chronicles: A Visual History of the Galaxy's Greatest Science Fiction (Hardback)
Sci-Fi Movies: Facts, Figures & Fun (Hardback)
The Science of Discworld II - The Globe
The Science of Discworld II - The Globe (Hardback)
The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch
The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch (Hardback)
The Science of Rick and Morty: An Unofficial Guide
Science Fiction: A Literary History (Hardback)
The Science of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials
Script Doctor: The Inside Story of Doctor Who 1986-89
Sea of Shadows: Age of Legends
SEAL Team 666
Seal Team 666: Book 2 - Age of Blood
Seal Team 666: Book 3 - Reign of Evil
The Secret Lives of Married Women
The Selected Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Folio Society)
Selling the Movie: The Art of the Film Poster (Hardback)
Serenity: The Official Visual Companion
Serial Killers at the Movies
Seveneves (Hardback)
Severed Souls
Shadow Blizzard
Shadow on the Crown (Hardback)
Shadow Rider
The Shadow of What Was Lost (Hardback)
The Shattered Crown
The She Wolf
Sherlock Holmes & Count Dracula (Hardback)
Sherlock Holmes, The Further Adventures of: The Ectoplasmic Man
Sherlock Holmes, The Further Adventures of: The Man from Hell
Sherlock Holmes, The Further Adventures of: The Scroll of the Dead
Sherlock Holmes, The Further Adventures of: Séance for a Vampire
Sherlock Holmes, The Further Adventures of: The Seventh Bullet
Sherlock Holmes, The Further Adventures of: The Stalwart Companions
Sherlock Holmes, The Further Adventures of: The Veiled Detective
Sherlock Holmes, The Further Adventures of: The War of the Worlds
Sherlock Holmes, The Selected Adventures and Memoirs (Folio Society)
Sherlock Holmes: The Stuff of Nightmares
Sherlock vs. Cthulhu: The Adventures of the Neural Psychoses
Shiang: Empire of Salt (Hardback)
The Shifting Tides - Book I: Golden Age
The Shining Girls
The Shining Girls (Hardback)
Shoot at the Moon
Should I Stay or Should I Go? (Hardback)
Shovel Ready
Shovel Ready (Hardback)
Shrouded by Darkness: Tales of Terror
The Sign of One
The Silence
Silent Bob Speaks: The Collected Writings of Kevin Smith
Silver Scream: 40 Classic Horror Movies: Volume One - 1920-1941
Silver Scream: 40 Classic Horror Movies: Volume Two - 1941-1951
The Silver Tide
The Silver Wind
Silverweed Road
Silverweed Road (Hardback)
Sirens: The Imaginative World of Chris Achilléos
The Six-Gun Tarot
Six Silly Stories (Hardback)
The Sixth Watch (Hardback)
Skin Two: Fetish Yearbook 2009
The Skull Throne
The Skull Throne (Hardback)
Sky Key: Book 2 in the Endgame series (Hardback) - Book review
Slaves of the Shinar (Hardback)
The Sleep Corporation: The Collected Short Stories of Douglas Thompson
Sleeping Giants (Hardback)
Sleeping with the Lights On: The Unsettling Story of Horror (Hardback)
Small Ghosts
Smallville: The Official Companion - Season 1
Smallville: The Official Companion - Season 2
Smallville: The Official Companion - Season 3
Smallville: The Official Companion - Season 4
Smallville: The Official Companion - Season 5
Smallville: The Official Companion - Season 7
Snakewood (Hardback)
So Far, So Near
The Solar War (Hardback)
Solomon Kane: The Official Movie Novelisation
Something in the Darkness: The Unofficial & Unauthorised Guide to Torchwood Series Two
Something to Tell You (Hardback)
Something Wicked This Way Comes (Folio Society Hardback)
Somewhere in Heaven: The Remarkable Story of Dana and Christopher Reeve (Hardback)
Songs for Europe: The United Kingdom at the Eurovision Song Contest - Volume One: The 1950s and 1960s
Soon I Will be Invincible (Hardback)
Soul Purpose
The Sound of Seas (Hardback): Book Three of The Earthend Saga
Space 1999: Alien Seed
Space 1999: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Space 1999
Space Odyssey: A Voyage to the Planets
Spandex and the City
The Spider (Hardback)
Spider-Man, Comics Creators on...
Spider-Man: Down These Mean Streets
Spider-Man: The Philosophy of Spider-Man (Hardback)
Spider-Man 3: The Official Novelisation of the Film
The Spiderwick Chronicles: Book 1 - The Field Guide
The Spiderwick Chronicles: Book 2 - The Seeing Stone
Spielberg, Truffaut & Me - An Actor's Diary
The Spirit: The Movie Visual Companion (Hardback)
Stained Light
Star Matters II


Star Trek: Original Series

Star Trek: Agents of Influence
Star Trek: Burning Dreams
Star Trek: The Case of the Colonist's Corpse
Star Trek: Constellations
Star Trek: Crucible: Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering
Star Trek: Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows
Star Trek: Crucible: Spock: The Fire and the Rose
Star Trek: Engines of Destiny
Star Trek: Errand of Fury - Book 1: Seeds of Rage
Star Trek: Errand of Fury - Book 2: Demands of Honor
Star Trek: Errand of Vengeance - Book 1: The Edge of the Sword
Star Trek: Errand of Vengeance - Book 2: Killing Blow
Star Trek: Errand of Vengeance - Book 3: River of Blood
Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars - Volume 2
Star Trek: Ex Machina
Star Trek: Excelsior: Forged in Fire
Star Trek: Garth of Izar
Star Trek: Gemini
Star Trek: The Higher Frontier
Star Trek: The Janus Gate - Book 1: Present Tense
Star Trek: The Janus Gate - Book 2: Future Imperfect
Star Trek: The Last Roundup

Star Trek: To Reign in Hell - The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh
Star Trek: To Reign in Hell - The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh (Hardback)
Star Trek: Rihannsu - Book 5: The Empty Chair
Star Trek: Mr Scott's Guide to the Enterprise
Star Trek: Vanguard - Book 1: Harbinger
Star Trek: Vanguard: Reap the Whirlwind
Star Trek: Vanguard: Summon the Thunder
Star Trek: Vulcan's Soul: Book I - Exodus
Star Trek: Vulcan's Soul: Book I - Exodus (Hardback)
Star Trek: Vulcan's Soul: Book II - Exiles
Star Trek: Vulcan's Soul: Book II - Exiles (Hardback)
Star Trek: Vulcan's Soul: Book III - Epiphany
Star Trek: Vulcan's Soul: Book III - Epiphany (Hardback)


Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: TNG: A Time for War, A Time for Peace
Star Trek: TNG: A Time to be Born
Star Trek: TNG: A Time to Die
Star Trek: TNG: A Time to Harvest
Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Time to Hate
Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Time to Heal
Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Time to Kill
Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Time to Love
Star Trek: TNG: A Time to Sow
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Before Dishonor
Star Trek: TNG: Battle of Betazed
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Buried Age
Star Trek: TNG: Companion
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Death in Winter
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Death in Winter (Hardback)
Star Trek: TNG: Do Comets Dream?
Star Trek: TNG: Genesis Force
Star Trek: TNG: The Genesis Wave - Book 3
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Greater Than the Sum
Star Trek: TNG: Nemesis - Junior Novel
Star Trek: TNG: Nemesis - movie novelisation
Star Trek: TNG: Nemesis - movie novelisation (hardback)
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Q&A
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Resistance
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Sky's The Limit
Star Trek: TNG: Stargazer - Book 1: Gauntlet
Star Trek: TNG: Stargazer - Book 2: Progenitor
Star Trek: TNG: Stargazer - Enigma
Star Trek: TNG: Stargazer - Maker
Star Trek: TNG: Stargazer: Oblivion
Star Trek: TNG: Stargazer: Three


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Fearful Symmetry
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hollow Men
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Left Hand of Destiny - Book One
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Left Hand of Destiny - Book Two
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Lives of Dax
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Mission Gamma - Book 1: Twilight
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Mission Gamma - Book 2: This Gray Spirit
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Mission Gamma - Book 3: Cathedral
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Mission Gamma - Book 4: Lesser Evil
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rising Son
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Terok Nor: Book I - Day of the Vipers
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Terok Nor: Book 2 - Night of the Wolves
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Terok Nor: Book 3 - Dawn of the Eagles
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: These Haunted Seas
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Twist of Faith
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Unity
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Unity (Hardback)
Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Volume 1 Cardassia and Andor
Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Volume 2: Trill and Bajor
Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Volume 3: Ferenginar and The Dominion
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Warpath


Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager: Companion
Star Trek: Voyager: Distant Shores
Star Trek: Voyager: Endgame
Star Trek: Voyager: The Farther Shore
Star Trek: Voyager: The Hologram's Handbook
Star Trek: Voyager: Homecoming
Star Trek: Voyager: The Nanotech War
Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Walk, Book One - Old Wounds
Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Walk, Book Two - Enemy of My Enemy
Star Trek: Voyager: String Theory - Book 1: Cohesion
Star Trek: Voyager: String Theory - Book 2: Fusion
Star Trek: Voyager: String Theory - Book 3: Evolution


Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Enterprise: Broken Bow
Star Trek: Enterprise: Daedalus
Star Trek: Enterprise: Daedalus's Children
Star Trek: Enterprise: The Expanse
Star Trek: Enterprise: Kobayashi Maru
Star Trek: Enterprise: Last Full Measure
Star Trek: Enterprise: The Good That Men Do
Star Trek: Enterprise: Rosetta
Star Trek: Enterprise: Shockwave (Hardback)
Star Trek Enterprise: Shockwave
Star Trek: Enterprise: Surak's Soul
Star Trek; Enterprise: What Price Honor?


Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery: Book #7 - Die Standing
Star Trek: Discovery: Wonderlands


Star Trek: Picard

Star Trek: Picard: The Dark Veil (Hardback)
Star Trek: The Last Best Hope (Hardback)
Star Trek: The Wisdom of Picard (Hardback)


Star Trek: New Frontier

Star Trek: New Frontier: After the Fall
Star Trek: New Frontier: Gods Above
Star Trek: New Frontier: Missing in Action
Star Trek: New Frontier: Missing in Action (Hardback)
Star Trek: New Frontier: No Limits
Star Trek: The New Frontier: Stone and Anvil
Star Trek: New Frontier: Stone and Anvil (Hardback)


Star Trek: Miscellaneous

Star Trek Academy: Collision Course (Hardback)
Star Trek: Articles of the Federation
Star Trek Beyond: The Makeup Artistry of Joel Harlow (Hardback)
Star Trek: The Book of Lists (Hardback)
Star Trek: The Brave and the Bold - Book 1
Star Trek: The Brave and the Bold - Book 2
Star Trek: Captain's Blood
Star Trek: Captain's Blood (Hardback)
Star Trek: Captain's Glory
Star Trek: Captain's Glory (Hardback)
Star Trek: Captain Kirk's Guide to Women
Star Trek: Captain's Peril
Star Trek: Captain's Peril (Hardback)
Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Aftermath
Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Creative Couplings
Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Grand Designs
Star Trek: Crosswords - Book 1
Star Trek: Crosswords - Book 2
Star Trek: Crosswords - Book 3
Star Trek: Crosswords - Book 4
Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series (Hardback)
Star Trek: Double Helix Omnibus
Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars - Vol 1 (Hardback)
Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars - Vol 2 (Hardback)
Star Trek: Gateways - Book 1: One Small Step
Star Trek: Gateways - Book 2: Chain Mail
Star Trek: Gateways - Book 3: Doors into Chaos
Star Trek: Gateways - Book 4: Demons of Air and Darkness
Star Trek: Gateways - Book 5: No Man's Land
Star Trek: Gateways - Book 6: Cold Wars
Star Trek: Gateways - Book 7: What Lay Beyond
Star Trek: I.K.S. Gorkon - Book 1: A Good Day to Die
Star Trek: I.K.S. Gorkon - Book 2: Honor Bound
Star Trek: I.K.S. Gorkon - Book 3: Enemy Territory
Star Trek: I'm Working on That
Star Trek: I'm Working on That (Hardback)
Star Trek: The Impossible has Happened: The Life and Work of Gene Roddenberry
Star Trek: The Impossible has Happened: The Life and Work of Gene Roddenberry (Hardback)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Official Novelisation)
Star Trek: Klingon Empire: A Burning House
Star Trek: The Lost Era: The Art of the Impossible
Star Trek: The Lost Era: Catalyst of Sorrows
Star Trek: The Lost Era: Deny Thy Father
Star Trek: The Lost Era: Serpents Among the Ruins
Star Trek: The Lost Era: The Sundered
Star Trek: The Lost Era: Well of Souls
Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Glass Empires
Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Obsidian Alliances
Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Echoes and Refractions
Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Infinity's Prism
Star Trek: Rihannsu Omnibus: The Bloodwing Voyages
Star Trek: S.C.E. - Breakdowns
Star Trek: S.C.E: Foundations
Star Trek: S.C.E: Book Six - Wildfire
Star Trek: Section 31: Abyss
Star Trek: Section 31: Cloak
Star Trek: Section 31: Rogue
Star Trek: Section 31: Shadow
Star Trek: Ships of the Line (Hardback)
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Volume 5
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Volume 6
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Volume 7
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Volume 8
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Volume 9
Star Trek: Starship Spotter
Star Trek: Tales from the Captain's Table
Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War
Star Trek: Titan: Orion's Hounds
Star Trek: Titan: The Red King
Star Trek: Titan: Sword of Damocles
Star Trek: Titan: Taking Wing
Star Trek: The Visual Dictionary (Hardback)
Star Trek: Voyages of Imagination - The Star Trek Fiction Companion
Star Trek: The Wisdom of Picard (Hardback)


Star Wars

Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know (Hardback)
Star Wars: The Approaching Storm
Star Wars: The Approaching Storm (Hardback)
Star Wars: The Art of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: Balance Point
Star Wars: Become the Force: 9 Lessons on How to Live as a Jedi Master
Star Wars: Beware the Sith (Hardback)
Star Wars: Book of Sith (Hardback)
Star Wars: The Cestus Deception (Hardback)
Star Wars: Choices of One
Star Wars: Choices of One (Hardback)
Star Wars: Cloak of Deception
Star Wars: Cloak of Deception (Hardback)
Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit - Stealth
Star Wars: The Comics Companion
The Star Wars Craft Book
Star Wars: Conquest
Star Wars: Darth Plagueis (Hardback)
Star Wars: Encyclopedia (Hardback)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Hardback)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Hardback Alternate Cover)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, The Art of
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, The Illustrated Companion
Star Wars: The Essential Atlas
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi - Apocalypse (Hardback)
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi - Ascension (Hardback)
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi - Backlash
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi - Conviction (Hardback)
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi - Vortex
Star Wars: Force Heretic 1- Remnant
Star Wars: Force Heretic 2- Refugee
Star Wars: Force Heretic 3- Reunion
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Hardback)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (Hardback)
Star Wars: How Star Wars Conquered the Universe (Hardback)
Star Wars: Imperial Death Star Owner's Workshop Manual (Hardback) (2016 Reprint)
Star Wars Insider: The Original Trilogy
Star Wars: The Jedi Path (Hardback)
Star Wars: Jedi Trial (Hardback)
Star Wars: Knight Errant
Star Wars: Knitting the Galaxy (Hardback)
Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil (Hardback)
Star Wars LEGO: The Amazing Book of LEGO Star Wars (Hardback)
Star Wars LEGO: Brickmaster - Battle for the Stolen Crystals (Hardback)
Star Wars LEGO: Character Encyclopedia (Hardback)
Star Wars LEGO: Ideas Book (Hardback)
Star Wars LEGO: The Yoda Chronicles (Hardback)
Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith - The Collected Stories
Star Wars: The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film
Star Wars: The Making of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: Medstar I - Battle Surgeons
Star Wars: Medstar II - Jedi Healer
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Dark Journey
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Destiny's Way
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Destiny's Way (Hardback)
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - The Final Prophecy
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Rebel Dream
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Rebel Stand
Star Wars: New Jedi Order - Star by Star
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Traitor
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - The Unifying Force
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - The Unifying Force (Hardback)
Star Wars: The Official Fact File
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Deceived (Hardback)
Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia (Hardback)
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (Hardback)
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Revan (Hardback)
Star Wars: Origami 2
Star Wars: The Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual (Hardback)
Star Wars: Rebirth
Star Wars: Red Harvest
Star Wars: Riptide
Star Wars: Rogue One - The Ultimate Sticker Encyclopedia
Star Wars: Rogue One - The Ultimate Visual Guide (Hardback)
Star Wars: Rogue Planet
Star Wars: Scourge
Star Wars: The Secret Life of Droids (Hardback)
Star Wars: Shadow Games
Star Wars: Shadow Hunter
Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Star Wars: Shatterpoint (Hardback)
Star Wars: Survivor's Quest
Star Wars: Survivor's Quest (Hardback)
Star Wars: Star by Star (Hardback)
Star Wars: Stormtroopers: Beyond the Armor (Hardback)
Star Wars: Tatooine Ghost
Star Wars: Tatooine Ghost (Hardback)
Star Wars: TIE Fighter Owners' Workshop Manual (Hardback)
Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide - Updated and Expanded (Hardback)
The Star Wars Vault (Hardback)
Star Wars: William Shakespeare's The Clone Army Attacketh (Hardback)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Mercy Kill (Hardback)
Star Wars: Yoda - Dark Rendezvous
Star Wars: YT-1300 Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual (Hardback)

Stardust (Hardback)
Stargate: Atlantis: The Official Companion - Season 1
Stargate: Atlantis: The Official Companion - Season 2
Stargate: SG-1: The Essential Scripts
Stargate: SG-1: The illustrated Companion (Seasons 1 & 2)
Stargate: SG-1: The illustrated Companion (Seasons 3 & 4)
Stargate: SG-1: The Illustrated Companion (Seasons 5 & 6)
Stargate: SG-1: The Illustrated Companion (Seasons 7 & 8)
Stargate: SG-1: The Illustrated Companion (Season 9)
Stargate: SG-1: The Illustrated Companion (Season 10)
Stargate: SG-1: The Unofficial Guide - Beyond the Gate
Stargate: SG-1: The Morpheus Factor
Stark's Command
Stark's Crusade
Stark's War
The Stars Now Unclaimed (Hardback)
Starship Troopers (Folio Society Hardback)
The Steampunk Bible (Hardback)
Steampunk FAQ
Stephen King, A Brief Guide to...
Stephen King at the Movies (Hardback)
Steppenwolf (Folio Society Hardback)
Steven Spielberg FAQ
Still the Beast is Feeding: Forty Years of Rocky Horror
The Stone Dance of the Chameleon: The Third God (Hardback)
The Strange Case of the Missing Episodes - The Lost Stories of The Avengers Series 1
The Strangled Queen (Hardback)
Streisand: A Biography
Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful
Subtle Edens: An Anthology of Slipstream Fiction
Summoner: Book One - The Novice (Hardback)
Supercute Futures
The Essential Superman Encyclopedia
Superman: Man of Steel: Inside the Legendary World of Superman (Hardback)
Superman: Man of Steel: The Official Movie Novelization
Superman: The Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel (Hardback)
Superman Returns: The Art of Superman Returns (Hardback)
Superman Returns: The Complete Shooting Script
Supernatural: Bone Key
Supernatural: Coyote's Kiss
Supernatural: Heart of the Dragon
Supernatural: Hunted - The Unofficial Guide to Seasons 1-3
Supernatural: Nevermore
Supernatural: The Official Companion: Season 1
Supernatural: The Official Companion: Season 2
Supernatural: The Official Companion: Season 3
Supernatural: The Official Companion: Season 4
Supernatural: One Year Gone
Supernatural: The Unholy Cause
Supernatural: War of the Sons
Supernatural: Witch's Canyon
The Supernova Era (Hardback)
Survivors: The End of the World?: The Unofficial Guide to Survivors Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
The Sword Saint (Hardback)



Taft 2012
Tales from a Robotic World (Hardback)
Tales from Beyond the Stars (Hardback)
Tales from Lovecraft Middle School: Book 1 - Professor Gargoyle (Hardback)
Tales from Lovecraft Middle School: Book 2 - The Slither Sisters (Hardback)
Tales from Lovecraft Middle School: Book 4 - Substitute Creature (Hardback)
Tales of Ramion: The Dream Thief (Hardback)
Tales From the Weekend
Tallest Stories
The Tangled Lands
Tank Girl: Armadillo! and a Bushel of Other Stories
Tank Girl: The Way of Tank Girl (Hardback)
Tank Girl Coloring Book (Paperback)
The Target Book - A History of the Target Doctor Who Books
Tarzan: Ape-Man - The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to 100 Years of Tarzan
Taste of Darkness
Taxidermied: The Art of Roman Dirge (Hardback)
Tempests and Slaughter
Tempests and Slaughter (Hardback)
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny
Tender Morsels (Hardback)
Terminator Salvation: From the Ashes
Terminator Salvation: Trial By Fire
Terror Tales of Cornwall
Test Drive: Volume 1 of the Collected Stories
That's Entertainment
The Third God (Hardback)
Third Dimension: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who 2007
The Third Kingdom
The Third Kingdom (Hardback)
Thrills, Skills and Molehills
The Three (Hardback)
Three Kings (Hardback)
Thunderbirds: Agents' Technical Manual - 50th Anniversary Edition
Thunderbirds: What Made Thunderbirds Go!
ThunderCats: Hear the Roar!: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide
The Tide Went Out
Tim: Defender of the Earth
Tim Burton: The Iconic Filmmaker and His Work (Hardback)
Time Hunter: The Albino's Dancer
Time Hunter: Child of Time
Time Hunter: The Clockwork Woman
Time Hunter: Deus Le Volt
Time Hunter: Echoes
Time Hunter: Kitsune
Time Hunter: Peculiar Lives
Time Hunter: The Severed Man
Time Hunter: The Sideways Door
Time Hunter: The Tunnel at the End of the Light
Time Hunter: The Winning Side
Time to Kill
The Time Machine (Oxford World's Classics)
The Time Machine & The Island of Doctor Moreau (Folio Society Hardback)
Time Out Film Guide: 14th Edition 2006
Timelink: The Unofficial Guide to Doctor Who Continuity - Volume One
Timelink: The Unofficial Guide to Doctor Who Continuity - Volume Two
Tin Men
To Hold the Bridge
To the Moon: The Tallest Colouring Book in the World
Tom Jones: The Life (Hardback)
The Tombs of Atuan (Folio Society Hardback)
Tomorrow and Tomorrow
Tomorrow and Tomorrow (Hardback)
Torchwood: Almost Perfect (Hardback)
Tomorrow, When I was Young
The Torchwood Archives (Hardback)
Torchwood: Bay of the Dead (Hardback)
Torchwood: Consequences (Hardback)
Torchwood: The Encyclopedia (Hardback)
Torchwood: The House That Jack Built (Hardback)
Torchwood: Into the Silence (Hardback)
Torchwood: Inside the Hub - Unofficial & Unauthorised Guide to Series One
Torchwood: The Official Magazine Yearbook
Torchwood: Pack Animals (Hardback)
Torchwood: Risk Assessment (Hardback)
Torchwood: Skypoint (Hardback)
Torchwood: Something in the Darkness: The Unofficial & Unauthorised Guide to Series Two
Torchwood: Something in the Water (Hardback)
Torchwood: Trace Memory (Hardback)
Torchwood: The Twilight Streets (Hardback)
Torchwood: The Undertaker's Gift (Hardback)
The Tower of Living and Dying
The Tower of Living and Dying (Hardback)
Traitors of Rome (Hardback)
Transcendental Toybox, Howe's (Second Edition)
Transcendental Toybox: Update No.1 - The Complete Guide to 2003 Merchandise
The Transfer
Transformer: Exiles
Transformers: Exodus - The Official History of the War for Cybertron
Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday
Transformers: The Official Novel of the Film
Transformers: The Veiled Threat
The Treatment
Triangulation: Dark Glass
Triangulation: End of Time
Triangulation: Taking Flight
Triquetra: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Charmed
Triquorum I
Triquorum II
Troglodyte Rose
Trollhunters (Hardback)
The Troop
True Blood: A Field Guide to Vampires (Hardback)
True Blood: Drinks & Bites (Hardback)
The True Lives of My Chemical Romance: The Definitive Biography
Trumping Trouser Trev
The Turing Test
Twenty Trillion Leagues Under the Sea (Hardback)
The Twilight Watch
The Twilight Watch (2008 reprint)
Twin Peaks FAQ



Ubik (Folio Society Hardback)
UFO in Her Eyes (Hardback)
Uncharted: The Fourth Labyrinth
Unconquerable Sun (Hardback)
Undead: Night of the Living Dead & Return of the Living Dead
The Undead Pool
The Uneasy (Hardback)
Urban Gothic: Lacuna and Other Trips
The Usborne Book of The Future (Hardback)



V For Vendetta: Movie Novelisation
The Vagrant
The Vagrant (Hardback)
Valour (Hardback)
The Vampire Chronicles: Blackwood Farm
The Vampire Chronicles: Blood Canticle
The Vampire Gene: Book 1 - Killing Kiss
The Vampire Gene: Book 2 - Futile Flame
A Vault of Horror - A Book of 80 Great British Horror Movies
Victor Pemberton's The Slide and Other Radio Dramas
Video Dungeon: The Collected Reviews of Kim Newman
Videoscope, The Phantom of the Movies’ (Magazine)
Vintage Geek: The Quiz Book
Virtues of War
Visions Fading Fast
Vita Nostra
Vita Nostra (Hardback)
Volwys and Other Stories



W.A.R.P: Book 2 - The Hangman's Revolution (Hardback)
The Walking Dead: The Quotable Negan (Hardback)
The Waking Land (Hardback)
Waking Nightmares
The Walking Fire
The Walking Fire (Hardback)
The Art of Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
The War Against the Assholes
The War has Begun: Book One: Duty In the Cause of Liberty Series
The War of the Worlds (Folio Society Hardback)
The War of the Worlds (Oxford World's Classics)
Warhammer 40,000: The Ultimate Guide (Hardback)
The Warlock: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Waste Land Saga
Waste Tide (Hardback)
Watching the Watchmen (Hardback)
The Way of Tank Girl (Hardback)
We (Folio Society Hardback)
We Are Water
The Wee Free Men
Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth
Welcome to Purgatory
The Wells of Hell
What Does a Martian Look Like?
What Moves the Dead
What's Dead Pussykat
Where are We Going
Who Are You Calling Weird? (Hardback)
Who Fears Death
Who Fears Death (Hardback)
Who Needs Cleopatra
Widow's Welcome (Hardback)
Wild Harbour
The Wilful Princess & the Piebald Prince (Hardback)
The Will to Battle
William Shakespeare's Star Wars: The Clone Army Attacketh (Hardback)
The Winston Effect: The Art and History of Stan Winston Studio
Winter Wood
Wiped! Doctor Who’s Missing Episodes
Wish You Were Here: The Official Biography of Douglas Adams
Witch Bottle
Witch's Oath (Hardback)
Witchsign (Hardback)
With Umbrella, Scotch and Cigarettes - An Unauthorised Guide to the Avengers Series 1
Without Warning
A Wizard's Tears
The Wolf (Hardback)
Wolverine: Weapon X
Wonder Woman: Ambassador of Truth (Hardback)
Wonder Woman: The Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Warrior (Hardback)
Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating an Imaginative Fiction
Words of Radiance (Hardback)
The World of Fire & Ice: The Untold History of Westeros and The Game of Thrones (Hardback)
The World of Lore: Wicked Mortals
World of Trouble
The World of the Unknown: All About Monsters
World War Z: The Art of the Film
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm: Signature Series Guide
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria: Signature Series Guide
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Official Strategy Guide
Worlds Apart: An Anthology of Russian Fantasy and Science Fiction (Hardback)
The Worlds of J. R. R. Tolkien (Hardback)
Writers on Comics Scriptwriting 2
Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy Television
Written in the Blood (Hardback)
Wyrmewealed: Returner's Wealth (Hardback)



X2, The Art of
The X-Files: Ground Zero
The X-Files: I Want to Believe (movie novelisation)
The X-Files FAQ
X-Men: Dark Mirror
X-Men: Mutant Empire Omnibus
Xena: The Complete Illustrated Guide



The Year of the Geek: 365 Adventures from Sci-Fi/Fantasy (Hardback)
The Year of the Witching (Hardback)
Yesterday's Hero
The Young Dictator
The Yowler Foul-up, The Illmoor Chronicles



Zodiac: The Shocking True Story of America's Most Elusive Serial Killer
Zombie Apocalypse!: Endgame
Zombie Survival Transport: Owners' Apocalypse Manual (Hardback)
Zombiemania: 80 Films to Die For
Zombies at Tiffany's
Zombies in New York and Other Bloody Jottings

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