Click here to view by date order
13 Coins: #1
13 Coins: #2
13 Coins: #3
21st Century Tank Girl (Hardback)
21st Century Tank Girl #1
21st Century Tank Girl #2
21st Century Tank Girl #3
24: Based on the Hit TV Series
52: Volume 1
52: Volume 2
52: Volume 4
52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen
100 Bullets: Decayed
100 Bullets: The Hard Way
100 Bullets: Samurai
100 Bullets: Strychnine Lives
Hitman: Volume 2 - Ten Thousand Bullets
A Game of Thrones: A Graphic Novel - Volume Two (Hardback)
A Game of Thrones: Volume Four (Hardback)
Aama: Book 1 - The Smell of Warm Dust (Hardback)
Aama: Book 3 - The Desert of Mirrors (Hardback)
Aaron and Ahmed (Hardback)
ABC Warriors, The: The Mek-nificent Seven
Across the Universe: The DC Universe Stories of Alan Moore
Adler #1
The Adventures of Julius Chancer: The Rainbow Orchid - Volume 1
Air: Volume 1 - Letters From Lost Countries
Air: Volume 2 - Flying Machine
Air Gear: Volume 3
Air Gear: Volume 4
Air Gear: Volume 5
Air Gear: Volume 6
Air Gear: Volume 7
Akira: Volume 1
Akira: Volume 2
Akira: Volume 3
Akira: Volume 4
Akira: Volume 5
Akira: Volume 6
Alan Moore: Wild Worlds
Alan Moore: The Complete WildC.A.T.S
Alan Moore's America's Best Comics
Alan Moore's Tomorrow Stories: Book One
Alan Moore's Tomorrow Stories: Book One (Hardcover)
Alan Moore's Tomorrow Stories: Book Two
Alan Moore's Tomorrow Stories: Book Two (Hardback)
Albion: Origins (Hardback)
Alice 19th: Volume 1 - The Lotis Master
Alice Cooper: Orbit: Issue #1
Alien: The Illustrated Story
Alien Legion: Dead and Buried (Omnibus)
Alien Legion: On the Edge
Alien Legion: Tenants of Hell
Alien Legion: Uncivil War #4 (of 4)
Alien Next Door (Hardback)
Aliens vs Predator vs Terminator: Three Way War
Aliens vs Predator vs Witchblade vs The Darkness: Mindhunter
All-Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder: Volume 1 (Hardback)
American Flagg!: Volume 1
American Flagg!: Volume 2
Best of American Splendor
American Splendor: Our Movie Year
American Vampire: Volume 1 (Hardback)
Angel: Autumnal
Angel: Earthly Possessions
Angel: Long Knight's Journey
Angel: Strange Bedfellows
Animal Man
Animal Man: Origin of the Species
Aquaman: The Water Bearer
Army@Love: Volume 1 - The Hot Zone Club
Assassin's Creed: Book 1 - Desmond (Hardback)
Assassin's Creed: Book 2 - Aquilus (Hardback)
Assassin's Creed: Book 3 - Accipiter (Hardback)
The Authority: Earth Inferno & Other Stories
The Authority: Fractured Worlds
The Authority: Harsh Realities
The Authority: Human on the Inside
The Authority: Human on the Inside (Hardback)
The Authority: Kev
The Authority: The Magnificent Kevin
The Authority: Revolution - Book 1
The Authority: Revolution - Book 2
The Authority: Transfer of Power
Avril Lavigne's Make 5 Wishes: Volume 1
Avril Lavigne's Make 5 Wishes: Volume 2
Aztek: The Ultimate Man
Basilisk: The Kouga Ninja Scrolls - Volume 3
Basilisk: The Kouga Ninja Scrolls - Volume 4
Basilisk: The Kouga Ninja Scrolls - Volume 5
Batgirl: Death Wish
Batgirl: Destruction's Daughter
Batgirl: Fists of Fury
Robin/Batgirl: Fresh Blood
Batgirl: Kicking Assassins
Batgirl: Silent Running
Batgirl: Year One
Batman: Absolution
The Batman Annuals: Volume 1 (Hardback)
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 15th Anniversary Edition
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 15th Anniversary Edition (Hardback)
Batman: Arkham City (Hardback)
Batman: As the Crow Flies
Batman: The Battle for the Cowl (Hardback)
Batman: Battle for the Cowl Companion
Batman: Black and White - Volume 1
Batman: Black & White - Volume Three (Hardback)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Batman: Broken City
Batman: Bruce Wayne - Fugitive Vol 1
Batman: Bruce Wayne - Fugitive Vol 2
Batman: Bruce Wayne - Fugitive Vol 3
Batman: Bruce Wayne - Murderer?
Batman: Cacophony (Hardback)
Batman: Child of Dreams
The Batman Chronicles: Volume 1
The Batman Chronicles: Volume 2
The Batman Chronicles: Volume 3
The Batman Chronicles: Volume 4
The Batman Chronicles: Volume 5
Batman: City of Crime
Batman: The Cult
Batman: Dark Detective
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again
Batman: Dark Victory
Batman: Death and the City
Batman: Death and the Maidens
Batman: Detective
Batman: Face the Face
Batman: False Faces (Hardback)
Batman: Gotham Central - In the Line of Duty
Batman: Gotham County Line
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
Batman: Gothic (New Edition)
Batman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told
Batman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told - Volume 2
Batman: Harley and Ivy
Batman: Harvest Breed
Batman: The Heart of Hush (Hardback)
Batman: Hong Kong
Batman: Hong Kong (Hardcover)
Batman: Huntress - Cry for Blood
Batman: Hush Unwrapped (Hardback)
Batman: Hush - Volume 1
Batman: Hush - Volume 1 (Hardcover)
Batman: Hush - Volume Two
Batman: Hush - Volume 2 (Hardcover)
Batman: Hush Returns
Batman: The Joker's Last Laugh
Batman: The Killing Joke - The Deluxe Edition (Hardback)
Batman: Lovers & Madmen (Hardback)
Batman: Mad Love and Other Stories (Hardback)
Batman and the Mad Monk
Batman: The Man Who Laughs (Hardback)
Batman and the Monster Men
Batman: Nine Lives
Batman and the Outsiders: Volume 1
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne
Batman: Rules of Engagement (Hardback)
Batman: Scarecrow Tales
Batman: Secrets
Batman: Showcase - Volume 2
Batman: Snow
Batman and Son (Hardback)
Batman: Terror
Batman: Turning Points
Batman: Under the Hood - Volume One
Batman: Under the Hood - Volume Two
Batman: Vampire (Tales of the Multiverse)
Batman: War Drums
Batman: War Games - Act One: Outbreak
Batman: War Games - Act Two: Tides
Batman: War Games - Act Three: Endgame
Batman: War Crimes
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?: The Deluxe Edition (Hardback)
Batman: Year One - Deluxe Edition (Hardback)
Batman: Year One - Deluxe Edition
Batman: Year One - Ra's Al Ghul
Batman: Year Two - Fear the Reaper
Batman: Year 100
Batman Begins: The Movie and Other Tales of the Dark Knight
Batman/Aliens 2
All-Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder: Volume 1 (Hardback)
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity
Batman and Superman: Generations 2
Batman/Superman: Absolute Power
Batman/Superman: Absolute Power (Hardback)
Batman/Superman: Enemies Among Us (Hardback)
Batman/Superman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told
Batman/Superman: Public Enemies
Batman/Superman: Public Enemies (Hardback)
Batman/Superman: Supergirl
Batman/Superman: Supergirl (Hardback)
Batman/Superman: Torment (Hardback)
Batman/Superman: Vengeance (Hardback)
Batman Versus Bane
Batman vs. Two-Face
Battle of the Planets: Trial by Fire - Volume 1
Battler Britton
Battlestar Galactica: The Memory Machine
Battlestar Galactica: Saga of a Star World
Ben 10: Volume 2 - Washington B.C.
Birds of Prey: The Battle Within
Birds of Prey: Between Dark and Dawn
Birds of Prey: Blood and Circuits
Birds of Prey: Dead of Winter
Birds of Prey: Of Like Minds
Birds of Prey: Old Friends, New Enemies
Birds of Prey: Perfect Pitch
Birds of Prey: Sensei & Student
Bite Club
Bizarro World
Bizarro World (Hardback)
Blade Runner 2019 #1
Blade Runner 2019 #2
Blade Runner 2019 #3
Bloody Mary
Bluntman and Chronic
Books of Magick: Life During Wartime - Book 1
Booster Gold: 52 Pickup (Hardback)
Booster Gold: Showcase Presents - Volume 1
The Boys: Volume 6 - The Self-Preservation Society
The Boys: Volume 8 - Highland Laddie
The Boys: Volume Nine - The Big Ride
B.P.R.D: Hollow Earth & Other Stories
B.P.R.D: Plague of Frogs
B.P.R.D: The Soul of Venice & Other Stories
Brightest Day: Volume 1 (Hardback)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Autumnal
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Blood of Carthage
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Death of Buffy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: False Memories
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Haunted
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Out of the Woodwork
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Oz
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Play With Fire
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Slayer, Interrupted
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Stake to the Heart
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Vampires
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Ugly Little Monsters
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Viva Las Buffy!
Buso Renkin: Volume 1
Buso Renkin: Volume 2
Buso Renkin: Volume 3
Captain Stone: #1
Carpe Diem: Volume 1 - I Hate Mondays
Catwoman: Catwoman Dies
Catwoman: Crooked Little Town
Catwoman: The Dark End of the Street
Catwoman: It's Only a Movie
Catwoman: The Movie and Other Cat Tales
Catwoman: Nine Lives of a Feline Fatale
Catwoman: Relentless
Catwoman: The Replacements
Catwoman: When in Rome
Catwoman: When in Rome (Hardback)
Catwoman: Wild Ride
Celeste (Hardback)
Cemetery Girl: Book Three: Haunted
Clerks: Short Stories
Charley's War: 2 June 1916 - 1 August 1916 (Hardback)
Charley's War: Death from Above (Hardback)
Charlie's War: Hitler's Youth (Hardback)
Charley's War: Volume II - 1 August 1916 - 17 October 1916 (Hardback)
Charley's War: Volume III - 17 October 1916 - 21 February 1917 (Hardback)
Checkmate: Fall of the Wall
Checkmate: A King's Game
Outsiders / Checkmate: Checkout
A Christmas Carol (Original Text)
A Christmas Carol (Quick Text)
The Chronicles of Conan: Vol 1 - Tower of the Elephant
The Chronicles of Conan: Vol 2 - Rogues in the House
The Chronicles of Conan: Vol 4 - The Song of Red Sonja
The Chronicles of Conan: Vol 5 - The Shadow in the Tomb
The Chronicles of Conan: Vol 6 - The Curse of the Golden Skull
The Chronicles of Conan: Vol 7 - The Dweller in the Pool
The Chronicles of Conan: Vol 8 - Brothers of the Blade
The Chronicles of Conan: Vol 9 - Riders of the River-Dragons
Classics Illustrated: No. 1 - The War of the Worlds
Classics Illustrated: No. 2 - Oliver Twist
Classics Illustrated: No. 3 - Robin Hood
Classics Illustrated: No. 4 - The Man in the Iron Mask
Classics Illustrated: No. 5 - Romeo and Juliet
Classics Illustrated: No. 6 - A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Classics Illustrated: No. 7 - Les Miserables
Classics Illustrated Junior: No. 5 - The Sleeping Beauty
Claymore: Volume 1
Claymore: Volume 2
Claymore: Volume 3
CLiNT: Issue #1
Conan: The Savage Sword of Conan: Vol. 1 (Paperback)
Constantine: The Hellblazer Collection
Cosmic Odyssey
Countdown to Final Crisis: Volume One
Creatures of the Night
Criminal: Volume 1 - Coward
Criminal Macabre: A Cal McDonald Mystery
Crisis: Aftermath: The Battle of Blüdhaven
Crisis on Multiple Earths
Crisis on Multiple Earths - Volume 2
Crisis on Multiple Earths - Volume 3
Crossing Midnight: Volume 1 - Cut Here
Crossing Midnight: Volume 2 - A Map of Midnight
The Crow: Special Edition
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Bad Rap
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Demon House
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Dominos
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Serial
D. Gray-Man: Volume 1
D. Gray-Man: Volume 2
D. Gray-Man: Volume 3
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future: The Man From Nowhere (Hardback)
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future: Marooned on Mercury (Hardback)
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future: Operation Saturn - Part 1 (Hardback)
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future: Operation Saturn - Part 2 (Hardback)
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future: Prisoners of Space (Hardback)
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future: The Red Moon Mystery (Hardback)
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future: Rogue Planet (Hardback)
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future: Voyage to Venus Part 1 (Hardback)
Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future: Voyage to Venus Part 2 (Hardback)
Danger Girl: Odd Jobs
Danger Girl: The Ultimate Collection
Dante's Inferno
Dark Entries (Hardback)
The Dark Horse Book of the Dead
The Dark Horse Book of Hauntings
Dark Satanic Mills
Day of Vengeance
DC/Top Cow: Crossovers
DC: The New Frontier - Volume 1
DC: The New Frontier - Volume 2
DC: World War III (A 52 Story)
DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore
DC Versus Marvel
The Dead Boy Detectives
Death: At Death's Door
Death Note: Volume 11
Death Note: Volume 12
Death Note: Volume 13 - How to Read
Death Sentence: #1
Desolation Jones: Made in England
Doctor Who: The Third Doctor: Heralds of Destruction (Hardback)
Doctor Who: Four Doctors (Hardback)
Doctor Who: Four Doctors #1
Doctor Who: Four Doctors #2
Doctor Who: Four Doctors #3
Doctor Who: Four Doctors #4
Doctor Who: Four Doctors #5
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor #1
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor #2
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor #3
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor #4
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor #5
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor - Gaze of the Medusa (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor: Operation Volcano (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #2
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #3
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #4
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #5
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor: A Matter of Life and Death (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #2
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #3
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #4
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #5
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor - Doctormania (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Official Secrets (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Ongoing #1
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Ongoing #2
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Ongoing #3
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Ongoing #4
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Ongoing #5
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Sin Eaters (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor - Weapons of Past Destruction (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #3
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #4
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #5
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #6
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #7
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #10
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #13
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #14
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #15
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.1
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.2
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.3
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.4
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.5
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.6
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.7
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.8
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.9
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.10
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.11
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.12
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.13
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.14
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Arena of Fear (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: The Endless Song (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Facing Fate: Breakfast at Tyranny’s (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Facing Fate: The Good Companion (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Facing Fate: Vortex Butterflies (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: The Fountains of Forever (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Revolutions of Terror
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Sins of the Father (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: War of Gods (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: The Weeping Angels of Mons
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #3
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #4
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #5
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #6
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #7
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #8
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #12
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #14
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #15
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.2
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.3
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.4
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.5
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.6
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.7
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.8
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.10
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.11
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.12
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.13
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.14
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.15
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor - After Life
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor - Conversion (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: The Malignant Truth (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor - The One (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: The Sapling: Branches (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: The Sapling: Roots (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor - Serve You (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor - The Then and The Now (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #1
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #3
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #4
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #5
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #9
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #10
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #11
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #12
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #13
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #14
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #15
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #16
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2.1
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2.2
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2.3
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2.4
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2.5
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2.6
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2.7
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2.8
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor - Fractures (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Ghost Stories (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor - Hyperion (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor - The School of Death (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Terrorformer (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Terrorformer (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Time Trials: A Confusion of Angels (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Time Trials: The Terror Beneath (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Time Trials: The Wolves of Winter (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor - The Twist (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor: A New Beginning (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor: Hidden Human History (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor: Old Friends (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor: Time Out of Mind (Paperback)
Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension: Book One (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension: Book Two (Hardback)
Doctor Who: The Road to the Thirteenth Doctor (Paperback)
Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen (Hardback)
Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #1
Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #2
Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #3
Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #4
D.R. & Quinch: The Complete Collection
Dr. Grordbort: Onslaught (Hardback)
Dr. Tim: Book One
The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle (Hardback)
Dune: The Graphic Novel, Book 2: Muad'dib (Hardback)
Durham Red: Vermin Stars
Eden: It's an Endless World: Volume 1
Eden: It's an Endless World: Volume 2
El Diablo
Emma G. Wildford (Hardback)
Ex Machina: Fact v. Fiction
Ex Machina: The First Hundred Days
Ex Machina: March to War
Ex Machina: Power Down
Ex Machina: Smoke Smoke
Ex Machina: Tag
The Exterminators: Volume 1 - Bug Brothers
Exterminators: Volume 4 - Crossfire and Collateral
Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall
Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall (Hardback)
Fables: Animal Farm
Fables: Arabian Nights (And Days)
Fables: The Deluxe Edition - Book 1 (Hardback)
Fables: The Good Prince
Fables: The Great Fables Crossover
Fables: Homelands
Fables: Legends in Exile
Fables: March of the Wooden Soldiers
Fables: The Mean Seasons
Fables: Storybook Love
Fables: Witches
Fables: Wolves
Fashion Beast
Fevre Dream
Fighting American
The Filth
Final Crisis Companion
The Flash: Blitz
The Flash: Crossfire
Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained
The Fountain
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Frankenstein (Quick Text)
Frankenstein (Original Text)
Free Collars Kingdom: Volume 1
Free Collars Kingdom: Volume 2
Free Collars Kingdom: Volume 3
Friday the 13th
Futurama: Futurama-o-rama
A Game of Thrones: A Graphic Novel - Volume Two (Hardback)
Game of Thrones: Official Collector's Models
Gears of War: Volume 1 (Hardback)
The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross: Volume 1
The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross: Volume 2
Ghost Hunt: Volume 6
Ghost Hunt: Volume 7
Ghost Hunt: Volume 8
Ghost Hunt: Volume 9
Ghost in the Shell (New Edition)
Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface
Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor
Global Frequency: Detonation Radio
Global Frequency: Planet Ablaze
God Save the Queen
God Save the Queen (Hardback)
Gotham Central: Dead Robin
Gotham Central: Half a Life
Gotham Central: In the Line of Duty
Gotham Central: The Quick and the Dead
Gotham Central: Unresolved Targets
Greek Street: Volume 1 - Blood Calls For Blood
Greek Street: Volume 2 - Cassandra Complex
Green Arrow: The Archer's Quest
Green Arrow: The Archer's Quest (Hardback)
Green Arrow: City Walls
Green Arrow: Crawling Through the Wreckage
Green Arrow: Heading into the Light
Green Arrow: Moving Targets
Green Arrow: Quiver
Green Arrow: The Sounds of Violence
Green Arrow: Straight Shooter
Green Arrow: Year One (Hardback)
Green Lantern: Blackest Night (Hardback)
Green Lantern: No Fear
Green Lantern: Rebirth (Hardback)
Green Lantern: Secret Origin
Green Lantern: Showcase Presents: Green Lantern - Volume 3
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War - Vol 1 (Hardback)
Green Lantern vs Aliens
Greendale (Hardback)
Grifter & Midnighter
Gunnerkrigg Court: Volume 1 - Orientation (Hardback)
Guru Guru Pon-Chan: Volume 7
Guru Guru Pon-Chan: Volume 8
Guru Guru Pon-Chan: Volume 9
Haunted Magazine
Hawkman: Endless Flight
Hellblazer: Freezes Over
Hellblazer: All His Engines
Hellblazer: All His Engines (Hardback)
Hellblazer: Black Flowers
Hellblazer: Bloodlines
Hellblazer: The Devil You Know
Hellblazer: Constantine: The Hellblazer Collection
Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits
Hellblazer: Empathy is the Enemy
Hellblazer: Good Intentions
Hellblazer: Haunted
Hellblazer: Highwater
Hellblazer: Joyride
Hellblazer: Lady Constantine
Hellblazer: Original Sins
Hellblazer: Pandemonium (Hardback)
Hellblazer: Papa Midnite
Hellblazer: Rake at the Gates of Hell
Hellblazer: Rare Cuts
Hellblazer: Red Sepulchre
Hellblazer: Setting Sun
Hellblazer: Staring at the Wall
Hellblazer: Stations of the Cross
Hellboy: The Chained Coffin and Others
Hellboy: Conqueror Worm
Hellboy: The Right Hand of Doom
Hellboy: Seed of Destruction
Hellboy: Wake the Devil
Hellboy: Weird Tales - Volume One
Hellboy: Weird Tales - Volume Two
Hellboy Junior
Henry V: Original Text
Henry V: Plain Text
Henry V: Quick Text
Heroes: Volume 2 (Hardback)
Hewligan's Haircut
A History of Violence
Human Target: Chance Meetings
Identity Crisis (Hardback)
Illegal Alien
Incognegro (Hardback)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones: Omnibus - Volume 1
Indiana Jones: Omnibus - Volume 2
Infinite Crisis
Infinite Crisis (Hardback)
Infinite Crisis: The Companion
The Invisibles: The InvisibleKingdom
Jack of Fables: Volume 1 - The (Nearly) Great Escape
Jack of Fables: Volume 2 - Jack of Hearts
Jack of Fables: Volume 5 - Turning Pages
Jack Kirby's OMAC: One Man Army Corps (Hardback)
James Bond 007: Casino Royale
James Bond 007: Colonel Sun
James Bond 007: Death Wing
James Bond 007: Dr No
James Bond 007: Goldfinger
James Bond 007: The Golden Ghost
James Bond 007: The Man with the Golden Gun
James Bond 007: Octopussy
James Bond 007: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
James Bond 007: The Paradise Plot
James Bond 007: The Phoenix Project
James Bond 007: Shark Bait
James Bond 007: The Spy Who Loved Me
James Bond 007: Trouble Spot
The James Bond Omnibus: Volume 001
Jane Eyre (Original Text)
Jane Eyre (Quick Text)
Jeff Hawke: The Ambassadors (Hardback)
Jeff Hawke: Overlord (Hardback)
JLA: Another Nail
JLA: Crisis of Conscience
JLA: Divided We Fall
JLA: Golden Perfect
JLA: The Greatest Stories Ever Told
JLA: The Hypothetical Woman
JLA: Kid Amazo
JLA: League of One
JLA: The Lightning Saga (Hardback)
JLA: The Obsidian Age - Book 1
JLA: The Obsidian Age - Book 2
JLA: Pain of the Gods
JLA: Riddle of the Beast
JLA: Rules of Engagement
JLA: Showcase Presents: Justice League of America - Volume 3
JLA: Syndicate Rules
JLA: The Tenth Circle
JLA: Terror Incognita
JLA: The Tornado's Path (Hardback)
JLA: Trial by Fire
JLA: World Without a Justice League
JLA Classified: New Maps of Hell
JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice
JLA Presents: Aztek: The Ultimate Man
Jonah Hex: Face Full of Violence
Jonah Hex: Only the Good Die Young
Jonah Hex: Origins
Johnny Red: Red Devil Rising (Hardback)
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Classics Illustrated: No. 6)
JSA: Black Reign
JSA: Black Vengeance
JSA: Darkness Falls
JSA:Fair Play
JSA:Ghost Stories
JSA: Lost
JSA: Mixed Signals
JSA: Princes of Darkness
JSA: Savage Times
JSA Presents: Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E - Volume 1
JSA Presents: Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E - Volume 2
Judge Anderson: Hour of the Wolf
Judge Anderson: Triad
Judge Dredd: The Complete America
Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth
Judge Dredd: The Day the Law Died
Judge Dredd: Death Aid
Judge Dredd: Featuring Judge Death
Judge Dredd: Goodnight Kiss
Judge Dredd: Helter Skelter
Judge Dredd: Innocents Abroad
Judge Dredd: Justice One
Judge Dredd: Muzak Killer
Judge Dredd: Necropolis - Book 1
Judge Dredd: Necropolis - Book 2
Judge Dredd Vs Aliens: Incubus
The Junction (Hardback)
Justice: Volume 1 (Hardback)
Justice: Volume 2 (Hardback)
Justice: Volume 3 (Hardback)
Justice League Elite: Volume One
Justice League International: Volume 1 (Hardback)
Kick-Ass: The Graphic Novel
Kid Eternity
Kindred (Hardback)
King of Crooks (Hardback)
Kingdom of the Wicked: Complete Collection (Hardback)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Volume 1
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Volume 2
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Volume 2 (Hardcover)
The Legend of Tank Girl (Hardback)
Lenore: The Cute Little Dead Girl #1
Lenore: Noogies
Lenore: Swirlies (Hardback)
Lenore: Wedgies
Les Miserables (Classics Illustrated: No. 7)
Lex Luthor: Man of Steel
Life is Strange: Book 1 - Dust
Life is Strange: Book 2 - Waves
Lobo: Portrait of a Bastich
Love and Rockets: Amor Y Cohetes
Love and Rockets: Heartbreak Soup
Love and Rockets: Maggie the Mechanic
Loveless: A Kin of Homecoming
Lucifer: Children and Monsters
Lucifer: Crux
Lucifer: The Divine Comedy
Lucifer: Evensong
Lucifer: Exodus
Lucifer: Mansions of the Silence
Lucifer: Morningstar
Lucifer: The Wolf Beneath the Tree
Macbeth: Original Text
Macbeth: Plain Text
Macbeth: Quick Text
Mamotte! Lollipop: Volume 1
Mamotte! Lollipop: Volume 2
Mamotte! Lollipop: Volume 3
Mamotte! Lollipop: Volume 4
A Man Called Kev
The Man in the Iron Mask (Classics Illustrated: No. 4)
The Man Who Fell to Earth: The Official Movie Adaptation (Hardback)
Marshal Law: Blood, Sweat and Fears
Marshal Law: Fear and Loathing
Marshal Law: Fear Asylum
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The Matrix Comics
The Matrix Comics: Volume 2
Megatokyo: Volume 4
Ministry of Space
Miranda: Issue 1
Modesty Blaise: Bad Suki
Modesty Blaise: The Black Pearl
Modesty Blaise: Cry Wolf
Modesty Blaise: The Gallows Bird
Modesty Blaise: The Green-Eyed Monster
Mosesty Blaise: The Hell Makers
Modesty Blaise: The Inca Trail
Modesty Blaise: Mister Sun
Modesty Blaise: The Puppet Master
Modesty Blaise: The Scarlet Maiden
Modesty Blaise: Sweet Caroline
Modesty Blaise: Top Traitor
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Mono: #1
The Motherless Oven
Mouse Guard: Autumn 1152 (Hardback)
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard (Hardback)
Murder Mysteries
Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook (Paperback)
Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #1
Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #2
Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #3
Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #4
Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #5
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The Names of Magic
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Nana: Volume 2
Naruto: The Official Fanbook
Negima!: Volume 10
Negima!: Volume 11
Negima!: Volume 12
Negima!: Volume 13
Negima!: Volume 14
Negima!: Volume 15
Negima!: Volume 16
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Neil Young's Greendale (Hardback)
Nemesis (Hardback)
Nemi (Hardback)
Nemi: Volume 2 (Hardback)
Nemi: Volume 3 (Hardback)
Nemi: Volume 4 (Hardback)
Neonomicon (Hardback)
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Noche Roja (Hardback)
Northlanders: Book 3 - Blood in the Snow
Octopussy, James Bond
Oh My Goddess: Volume 1
Oh My Goddess: Volume 2
Oh My Goddess: Volume 3
Oh My Goddess: Volume 4
Oh My Goddess: Volume 7
Oliver Twist (Classics Illustrated: No. 2)
OMAC: One Man Army Corps (Hardback)
The Omac Project
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On the Road to Perdition - Book 2: Sanctuary
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Orbiter (Hardback)
Ordinary (Hardback)
The Originals
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Othello: Volume 2
Othello: Volume 3
Othello: Volume 4
Othello: Volume 5
Othello: Volume 6
Othello: Volume 7
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Teen Titans / Outsiders: The Death and Return of Donna Troy
Teen Titans / Outsiders: The Insiders
Planetary: Crossing Worlds
Planetary: The Fourth Man - Vol 2
Planetary: Leaving the 20th Century
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Point Blank (Prelude to Sleeper)
Power Girl
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Pride & Joy
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The Prince of Tennis: Volume 2
The Prince of Tennis: Volume 3
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The Prisoner #2
The Prisoner #3
The Prisoner #4
The Prisoner: Shattered Visage (Paperback)
The Prisoner: The Uncertainty Machine (Paperback)
Promethea: Book 2
Promethea: Book 3
Promethea: Book 4
Promethea: Book 4 (Hardcover)
Promethea: Book 5
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Prom on Mars: Volume One
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The Question: Volume 2 - Poisoned Ground
The Quitter
The Quitter (Hardback)
Rann-Thanagar War
Red (2010 reprint)
Resident Evil
Ricky Rouse Has a Gun
Road to Perdition: Book 2 - On the Road
On the Road to Perdition - Book 1: Oasis
On the Road to Perdition - Book 2: Sanctuary
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Robin Hood (Classics Illustrated: No. 3)
Romeo and Juliet (Classics Illustrated: No. 5)
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The Sandman: Endless Nights (Hardcover)
The Sandman: King of Dreams
The Sandman Presents: The Taller Tales
The Sandman Presents... Thessaly: Witch For Hire
The Savage Sword of Conan: Vol. 1 (Paperback)
Scalped: Volume 2 - Casino Boogie
The Scarifyers: Issue 1
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School Rumble: Volume 2
School Rumble: Volume 3
School Rumble: Volume 4
School Rumble: Volume 5
School Rumble: Volume 6
School Rumble: Volume 7
School Rumble: Volume 8
School Rumble: Volume 9
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Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume One
Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume Two
Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume Three
Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume Four
Shade: The American Scream
Shaun of the Dead
Shade, the Changing Man: Volume 1 - The American Scream
Shade, the Changing Man: Volume 2 - Edge of Vision
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Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia #3
Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia: Part One (Paperback)
Sherlock: A Study in Pink (Paperback)
Sherlock: A Study in Pink #1
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Sherlock: A Study in Pink #3
Sherlock: A Study in Pink #4
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Sherlock: The Blind Banker #5
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Sherlock: The Great Game #6
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Sin City: The Hard Goodbye
Sin City: That Yellow Bastard
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Slaine: Time Killer
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Sleeper: Season Two
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Sloth (Hardback)
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Superman: Redemption
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Superman: Ruin Revealed
Superman: Sacrifice
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Superman: True Brit (Hardback)
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Superman/Batman: Vengeance (Hardback)
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Swamp Thing: Reunion
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Tank Girl 2 (2002)
Tank Girl 3 (2002)
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Tank Girl: 21st Century Tank Girl #1
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Tank Girl: 21st Century Tank Girl #3
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Tank Girl: Action Alley #4
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Tank Girl Gold (Paperback)
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Tank Girl Gold #2
Tank Girl Gold #3
Tank Girl Gold #4
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Tank Girl Three (2009)
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Teen Titans: A Kid's Game
Teen Titans: Life and Death
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Transformers: Showdown
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